Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)


Chianti Classico, one of the symbolic names of the Italian wine world, “child” of the genius Bettino Ricasoli, the “iron Baron”, inventor of the formula for Chianti wine in the nineteenth century, has left no doubt about the excellence of its production territory. In a preview dedicated to tasting new vintages on the market, this week in Florence, the “Tuscan Prince”, one of the most famous Italian wines in the world, reserved one of the most exciting moments: a trip to its production territories.

The Gallo Nero denomination is divided between the provinces of Siena and Florence. The complexity of its terroir - where “sub zones” would be desirable for certain micro-climates - is one of the most intriguing features, making it one of the most envied zones in the wine world. The WineNews staff examined the 2008 Reserve and the 2009 vintage of the Chianti Classico Collection (which will be put on the market next spring), fully confirming the consistent excellence of Gallo Nero.

The 2009 vintage is very promising, has a very definite style and is already very good. In general, the wines are fragrant, enjoyable and the kind that one sip is never enough. Success is guaranteed at the table. This vintage brings to mind its traditional qualities: drinkability and a “leading role” on the table. But not only. The characteristics of generosity, fragrance and finesse of Chianti Classico 2009 may also bring to mind many similarities with Burgundy. This comparison is only apparently risky, because when Sangiovese produces such evident consistency, authenticity and refinement it can be very close to its “cousin” Pinot Noir. This is confirmed by virtually all of the 152 wine cellars of the Chianti Classico collection and indicates another important element: a newfound consistent style now generalized to an entire denomination. It does not, however, uniform the differences between the different territories, but instead clearly lets the distinguishable characteristics come out. The story is somewhat different for the 2008 Reserve. It was certainly a much more difficult year for wine production than 2009. The 2008 vintage produced more wines with an “edge” but in general capable of offering great personality and charm.

Among the 2009 Chianti Classico wines, Badia a Coltibuono is a small masterpiece: the aroma is fresh with citrus scents and its taste is progressively savory and aggressive. The Bandini-Villa Pomona wine is also very good: it is simple but has typical aromas and a continuous, gentle taste. Chianti Classico 2009 of Castellare di Castellina is elegant and intense. Vigna Grospoli of Castle delle Stinche –Lamole Farm is very intriguing. Chianti Classico 2009 of Castello di Monsanto has a “rocky” aroma and is intense in the mouth, while Villa Cerna of Cecchi is soft and sweet. The Chianti Classico of the San Giusto a Rentennano Farm is earthy and powerful, while the San Pancrazio Farm wine is floral and subtle. The strong Chianti Classico of Berardenga di Felsina is still young while the wine from Isola and Olena is tasty and well balanced. Rocca delle Macìe has citrus scents and is solid in the mouth. Rocca di Montegrossi is elegant to the palate with a slightly smoky aroma. The Villa del Cigliano wine is subtle, graceful and tasty. Ruffino-Santedame Chianti Classico is aromatic with a harmonious palate. Among the Chianti Classico 2008 Reserves, Rancia di Felsina definitely stands out. It has elegant aromas and great articulation; the taste progression is pressing and vital. The Reserve of the Montegiachi Agricoltori di Geografia is warmer, but with just as fine fragrances, elegant and a good final momentum. Baroncole San Giusto a Rentennano has strong and spicy aromas. The Porte Vertine Reserve and Campitello di Monteraponi Reserve have typical mineral and austere aromas, which is their strong point. The Casasilia di Poggio al Sole Reserve is solid and elegant and Rocca delle Macìe-Famiglia Zingarelli Reserve is well structured. The Lilliano Estate wine tends to elegant and multifaceted scents, a wine with good substance, though not yet fully articulated. Tolaini 2008 Reserve is succulent while that of Vigna Bastignano of Villa Calcinaia is nuanced and subtle with a wonderfully floral nose, which is its strong point.

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