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EU has made available 286 million euros for the wine sector to Italian Regions in 2019-2020

Piano Nazionale di Sostegno established distribution of resources. The richest Regions: Sicily (55 million euros total) Veneto (38) and Tuscany (29)

The Veneto Region is leader in terms of production volumes and exports, and also by far the richest in terms of resources made available for “promotion on third-country markets” measure. Sicily is one of the newer Italian wine-producing regions that has grown the most in recent years, and is way ahead of all the others on the "restructuring and reconversion of the vineyards" measure. These are the results of WineNews’ analysis on the Italian Ministry of Agriculture decree nr. 1188 of February 21, 2019, establishing the distribution of funds for the wine sector, by measure and Region, for the 2019/2020 campaign of the National Support Program. The total is more than 286 million euros, considering 150 for the restructuring of Italian vineyards, 71.3 for promotion (to which 30 million managed at the national level must be added, ed.), 60 for the investment measure, and 5 for the increasingly marginal green harvest measure. Sicily is by far the richest Region as it will have 55 million euros available for all the measures assigned, followed by Veneto at 38, Tuscany and Puglia at 29, and Emilia Romagna at 28 million euros.
Taking a look at the measures in detail, as already mentioned, Sicily leads the ranking in the “Restructuring and reconversion of the vineyards” measure, totaling 34 million euros, doubling the Veneto Region, which takes second place in this measure, receiving over 17. Next come Tuscany and Emilia Romagna at 15.6 million euros each, and Apulia at 14. Piedmont is among the regions receiving the highest amounts as well at 9.5 million euros, followed by Abruzzi at 6.6, and Lombardy at 6.
The Veneto Region, however, takes the lion’s share of the measure “Promotion in Third-Country Markets”, at 12.4 million euros of potential public co-financing, ahead of Sicily at 8.8, Puglia and Tuscany at 7.3 each, Emilia Romagna at 6.7, and Piedmont at 6 million euros.
The “Sicilian wine continent” is once again the leader of the “Investments” measure, at 11.3 million euros, ahead of Veneto, at 7.7 million euros, and Apulia at 6.8 million euros. Continuing on, the Regions that will receive the largest amounts are Tuscany (5.8 million euros), Emilia Romagna (5.4) and Piedmont (4 million euros).
This breakdown of the distribution of funds more or less follows the same pattern as the 2018-2019 campaign.
The good news is, barring unforeseen events, the resource distribution decree arrived almost three months earlier than the last campaign, which had been announced in May; so, this should ideally speed up issuing calls for single measures.

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