Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

10% of still wines consumed in the world is rosé, a strictly “French” affair

In France, 36% bottles consumed, 28% production and 32% total imports

In 2017, 23.5 million hectoliters of rosé wines were consumed around the world. The category has therefore marked a significant 28% increase over 15 years; that is, since 2002, and today, rosés represent more than 10% of the total still wine consumption. The merit goes primarily to France, which alone consumes more than one third of all the rosé wines drunk around the globe (36%, which is 2.8% more than in 2016), while, instead, 15% of the bottles were uncorked in the United States, 7% in Germany, 5% in Italy and 4% in South Africa, to close the ranking of the top 5 countries. In other regions, rosé wines accounted for 33% of still wine consumption, for shares falling to 11.2% in the US, 8.9% in the United Kingdom, 6.6% in Spain and just 5% in Italy, as the France AgriMer analysis has detailed. Furthermore, as far as production is concerned, France is the undisputed leader, because in 2017, the vineyards of the Hexagon produced 28% of the world’s rosés, whilst the US produced 17%, Spain 15% and Italy10%, to make a total of 20.3 million hectoliters produced, i.e., 3.2 million hectoliters less than the amount consumed.
The rosé market, on the other hand, has started to become important internationally only quite recently. In 2017, 43% of the bottles were exported to foreign countries, and for the first time imports exceeded 10 million hectoliters. Once again, France is the leading importer, having a market share of 32% (equivalent to more than 3.2 million hectoliters of rosés purchased abroad), followed by Germany (13%), the United Kingdom (12 %), the US (9%) and Belgium (5%), amounting to a total turnover of 2 billion euros, and 6.2% average growth per year since 2002. The average prices value, however, is quite different, as the US have reached 5.5 euros per liter, in Switzerland 4.8 euros per liter, in Germany just 1.3 euros per liter, in Great Britain 2.3 euros per liter and in Belgium 2.4 euros per liter. Where does the rosé that is invading the world come from? 42% comes from Spain, 16% from Italy, 14% from France and 9%comes from the United States.

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