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Australian Prosecco grows, and producers attack: “ it’s our right to label and sell it”

Between 2015 and 2019 production from 2,189 to 9,936 tonnes, according to the Vintage Report 2019 by Australian Grape & Wine
Australian Prosecco grows, and producers attack: “it’ s our right to label and sell it”

Among the many international matches that Italian wine would like to close and win, there is the now historic debate with Australia on the recognition of Prosecco (both Doc and Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore Docg, whose hills have been recently recognised by UNESCO) as an Italian denomination and, consequently, a name that cannot be used for domestic production in the land of kangaroos. This is something that until now has not happened, and indeed, the Australian Prosecco continues to grow at dizzying rates. So that the Prosecco grape variety in Australia has become one of the 10 most cultivated white grape varieties, with an increase in production, between 2018 and 2019, of 42%, for a total of 9936 tons (more than four times the quantity of 2189 tons in 2015). Numbers of the Vintage Report 2019 signed by Australian Grape & Wine, the association that brings together 2,500 wine producers and 5,000 winemakers in Australia, which also highlights how this increase in production of “Prosecco” made in Australia is reflected in the domestic market, where sales have grown by 100% in the last two years, so that today it is the 11th best selling type in terms of value in the off-trade channel. Today, explains the report, “Prosecco is produced in 11 regions of Australia”.
Numbers are relatively small, and up to now they certainly don’ t frighten Italian Prosecco, which between DOC and DOCG has a production that exceeds 500 million bottles that are the rage in all markets of the world. The question is anything but underestimated, especially considering the commercial strength of Australian wines in a huge market like China, also thanks to free trade agreements with the Asian country, but also with an eye to Brexit which, after Boris Johnson’s election to the UK government, is once again turning into a possible “no deal”, with consequences that are difficult to predict for EU productions, and which could benefit those of historical third-party partners in the United Kingdom, the world’s leading Prosecco market, such as Australia.
“It’s great to see that Prosecco is so loved by both Australian producers and consumers - said Tony Battaglene, chief executive of Australian Grape & Wine, who added - Australia has been producing great wines from Prosecco grapes for many years, which is why they have worked hard to maintain their right to grow this variety. We never agreed with the European Union’s attempts to protect its producers from the competition through subsidies and attempts to create Geographical Indications based on grape varieties. There is no discussion about the right of Australian producers to produce, label and sell Australian Prosecco, and we are pleased that the Australian Government continues to support our winemakers and producers”.

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