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Wine, good signs from Italy: large-scale shopping up 5.6% in the first half of 2019

As Nielsen data, analyzed by Ismea, show. Wines and sparkling wines with denomination drive the growth of expenditure on drinks
Expenditure on wine in the Italian large-scale distribution increases in 2019

If Italian wine exports, in 2019, do not grow as brilliantly as in the past, they are mainly held back by commercial tensions in the United States and the United Kingdom, and by a weaker economy than in the recent past in Germany or the top three foreign markets of Italian wine, it is precisely from Italy that some signs of comfort arrive. According to Ismea data, for the first six months of 2019, the consumption of denomination wines and sparkling wines in large-scale distribution increased in value by 5.6% over the same period of 2018, after + 4.8% of the last year on 2017. An important signal from a market, the domestic one, too often out of the spotlight, but still worth half the turnover of Italian wine. Wine, however, according to the data collected and analyzed by Ismea, is the highest performing segment in the beverage sector, which grows overall by 2%, but which sees expenditure on water substantially stable, as well as for soft drinks (+0.1%), while in addition to wine grow other alcoholic beverages (+3.9%), but decreases expenditure on beer (-0.8%).
Beverages that, moreover, explains Ismea on Nielsen data, in turn, drive the growth of shopping in the trolley of Italians, to +1.1% in the first six months of 2019 over the same period 2018. Among food products, there are positive signs for vegetables, derived from cereals, cold cuts, meat, and fresh eggs. Fruit purchases were stable, while expenditure on extra virgin olive oils fell sharply.

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