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A toast from Piedmont: the EU approves the regulations of the Vermouth of Turin

Protected the aspects of the origin and filled the organizational gap. President Bava: “Proud of this further recognition”
A toast from Piedmont: the EU approves the regulations of the Vermouth of Turin

One of the symbols of our “dolce vita”, synonymous with that Italian spirit that has traveled around the world and that has withstood the new fashions and the passage of time. Let's talk about Vermouth in Turin, which can now look to the future with even greater confidence. The Brussels exam has been passed, the technical file that protects the Geographical Indication of the “Vermuth of Turin / Vermouth of Turin” has, in fact, concluded these days the technical process with a favorable opinion from the European Commission.
In the coming months, after publication in the Official Gazette, the regulations will be fully applied and will protect the historic Turin aperitif in all European countries. An important step and a victory for producers against a “regulatory hole” that threatened to affirm the imitations, disorient the consumer and, of course, damage the producer. Now there is a modern specification and the historic drink can toast.
“The objective of this process - explains Roberto Bava, president of the Vermouth Institute in Turin - was to place the Vermouth at the top of the quality pyramid, also protecting its aspects of the origin, from the field of cultivation of medicinal herbs to bottling. We wanted to create a courageous discipline that would distinguish the Vermouth of Turin from other flavored wines, detailing the alcohol content and geographical origin of the ingredients, completely detaching it from the other Vermouths. We are proud of this further recognition, achieved thanks to the joint work of producers, Federvini, the Piedmont Region, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry and the European Commission. It was a choral work that began several years ago and we can finally say that we have completed it to the full”.
The procedure, in fact, lasted 20 years and found its first fulfillment on March 22, 2017 when the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry accepted the request of the Piedmont Region and recognized the Geographical Indication “Vermouth of Turin / Vermouth of Turin” which led to the creation of the Institute of Vermouth of Turin, the association of 18 producers that enhances, promotes and raises the quality of Vermouth of Turin. In April of this year, as further confirmation of this need, the Consorzio del Vermouth (Vermouth Consortium) was founded, whose task is to protect the geographical indication of the Vermouth of Turin.

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