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Official: ProWein 2020 is canceled, appointment postponed until 2021

Messe Düsseldorf: “time pressure and coronavirus emergency are the greatest difficulties. Decision taken in consultation with leading players in the w
ProWein 2020, deleted

After the WineNews rumors, comes the official announcement of the Messe Düsseldorf: ProWein 2020 has been canceled, squeezed between a tight schedule and an emergency linked to the coronavirus epidemic whose size Germany has yet to understand. Appointment to 2021, with the dates - from March 21 to 23 - camping on the home page of the fair site. “We took this decision following an in-depth dialogue with our partners and key players in the industry. The biggest obstacle was the existence of a very narrow “trade fair window” (in early June, ed.) for the wine industry, which was further reduced by the uncertainty created by the Coronavirus”, explains Erhard Wienkamp, Managing Director of Messe Düsseldorf. “In this context”, concludes Erhard Wienkamp, “the decision taken is the only conclusion we could draw, in the interests primarily of the wine and spirits industry”. The German Wine Institute, ProWein’s first sponsor, fully supports the decision: “We are delighted that Messe Düsseldorf was brave enough to take this step, which is entirely in the interests of the wine industry. With all the advantages and disadvantages in mind, Messe Düsseldorf reacted in a considered, prudent and correct manner”, comments Monika Reule, managing director of the German Wine Institute. The fair also points out that the existing contracts between Messe Düsseldorf and exhibitors will remain valid for the dates 2021, and the same applies to tickets already purchased by visitors.

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