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Assovini Sicilia, change at the top in continuity: Laurent Bernard de la Gatinais succeeds Planeta

The president of Rapitalà at the helm of the Association that represents 91 wineries in the Region, and 9 bottles out of 10 of Sicilian wine
At the helm of Assovini Sicilia Laurent Bernard de la Gatinais (Rapitalà)

In the first quarter of 2020, before the pandemic hit the world, the Sicily of wine, with its great regional DOC, but also with Etna, Val di Noto, Vittoria and so on, had seen exports grow by +33.6% over the same period 2019, for 45 million euros. Only a number that recounts the growth of an oenological Sicily that is the largest organic vineyard in Italy, and which, thanks also to investments in sustainability (the latest example in this sense is the birth of the SOStain Sicilia Foundation, which became the first Italian Region to develop, in a unified and shared way, an integrated protocol of sustainability that comes from below, from the needs of producers for producers), in the quality of wines and research on ancient clones and varieties, is increasingly appreciated by critics and markets around the world. Numbers and projects told, in recent days, in a virtual “Sicilia en Primeur” and other appointments, by Alessio Planeta, at the helm of one of the most important wineries in Sicily, and that after three years, passes the baton of the guide of Assovini Sicilia (https://www.assovinisicilia.com/) to Laurent Bernard de la Gatinais, president of another prominent reality of Sicily, such as Rapitalà. Therefore, he leads a reality that has been fundamental for the development of Sicilian wine, which brings together 91 wineries and represents 9 bottles out of 10 of the wine produced in Sicily.
A reality, that of Assovini Sicilia, which, in recent years, has consolidated its transformation into an Association that today contributes to the implementation of services for Sicilian companies for the promotion of brands and quality products on the national and international market.
“From the previous presidency - explains the newly elected Bernard de la Gatinais - I receive an important legacy that I wish to honor in the best possible way. The work carried out over the years has not only made it possible to achieve great results in terms of the constant improvement of the services offered but has also contributed to the growth of a territory as a whole. I would like to thank President Planeta and all the advisers for what has been done and even more so for the dedication and passion with which the mandate has been carried out. The new chairmanship intends to move along the same line as before, but also to give a strong boost to the support activity that Assovini carries out in the new SOStain Sicilia Foundation to promote sustainability by directing member companies towards constant measurement and reduction of the impact of agricultural practices on the territory. The objective is to share best practices aimed at respecting the ecosystem and absolute transparency towards the consumer.
I also believe it is of fundamental importance to actively contribute to the formation of new strategic figures for the Sicilian wine sector within the Association itself. I think it is right to promote the professional growth of the youngest members of Assovini so that they can take the baton soon and face the important challenges that await us with competence and determination”.
Assovini Sicilia was founded in 1998 by Diego Planeta (Aziende Agricole Planeta), Giacomo Rallo (Tenuta di Donnafugata) and Lucio Tasca d’Almerita (Conte Tasca d’Almerita). Its mission today is to promote the Sicily of quality wine as if it were a great company, with objectives, strategy and specific know-how. And it includes partners united by three elements: the total control of the wine production chain, from the vineyard to the bottle, the production of quality bottled wine and the international vision of the market.
United by a common idea of quality and convinced of the importance of enhancing the value of their territory, partners of large or small size who dialogue on equal terms in order to make wine Sicily a great “classic” of international enology but also preserve the environment, preserve their roots and hand this heritage over to future generations. The new Assovini Board of Directors also includes Lilly Ferro (Fazio Wine, vice president), Josè Rallo (Donnafugata), Achille Alessi (Terre di Giurfo); Giovanna Caruso (Caruso & Minini), Alberto Tasca (Tasca d’Almerita), Federico Lombardo di Monte Jato (Firriato); Michele Faro (Pietradolce); Mariangela Cambria (Cottanera).

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