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“Anteprime di Toscana” the Consortium of Brunello change system

“Benvenuto Brunello” in November 2021. Bindocci: “It will be a more effective moment for the market”. The other Consortia: “let’s continue with the “Settimana delle Anteprime”

In time when everything changes, also the system of the “Anteprime di Toscana”, the week that, usually in February, until the pandemic (when it was exceptionally moved to May, in 2020), highlighted the most famous and emerging territories of the Region, looks ahead to a profound overhaul. Which start from the decision of the Consorzio del Brunello di Montalcino, who, in the 1990s, invented the “Anteprime” formula (then borrowed from many other Italian denominations), and who has chosen to move “Benvenuto Brunello”, which marks the debut of the new vintages of the most prestigious appellation of the Region, in autumn, as already learned in recent months, and no more in February. The edition n. 30 of “Benvenuto Brunello” will be on stage from 19 to 28 November 2021, with the debut of the 2017 Vintage and the 2016 Reserve, in the monumental complex of Sant’Agostino (which, from a few week, also hosts “Il tempio del Brunello” the multimedia museum dedicated to the gastronomic and agricultural excellence of the territory, created by Opera Laboratori, leader of Italian museum services), This is a decision, explains the Consorzio del Brunello di Montalcino, which comes from “the need to review the “Week of Preview” project, already expressed to the Region and other Consortia of the territory”. “We had already expressed the need to make the debut event of the vntage more incisive for the market, especially in the international one, which, for our Region, is worth a total of 1 billion euros in exports. In these 11 years, the Anteprime di Toscana have had – explains the president of the Consorzio del Brunello di Montalcino, Fabrizio Bindocci – the merit of emphasizing our immense wine heritage. But in a phase of great change like the one that we live, it is necessary to have the courage to innovate in order to achieve those promotion objectives that the companies themselves require us.
We reaffirm our willigness to dialogue and to collaborate to identify other common paths for the enhancement of wine made in Tuscany”, consludes the president of the Consorzio del Brunello di Montalcino, Fabrizio Bindocci. For the format, strictly by invitation, the national and international press will open the “ten days” of the “Benvenuto Brunello n.30”. In the next days, the Consortium’s appointments will involve influencers and bloggers, sommeliers of Michelin-star restaurant and professional operators of the horeca and also wine lovers.
A step forward, that of the Consorzio del Brunello, which, in all likelihood, given the appeal of the denomination, will have some effect even beyond the borders of the denomination. Even if the main Consortia involved in the “Week of Preview”, from the Chianti Classico to Nobile di Montepulciano, from Chianti to Vernaccia di San Gimignano, seem oriented to keep their format. While the Consorzio di Bolgheri e Bolgheri Sassicaia, that has always followe another paths, seems to have chosen the beginnig of September as the time for his local event, which in this 2021, wil be on stage on 4 Spetember, with the preview of the 2019and 2020 vintages at the Castle of Castagneto Carducci, and the grand gala dinner along the iconic Viale dei Cipressi.
Meantime from the rumors intercepted by WineNews, remains the will of the Tuscany Region to organize or sponsor a collective and common event, on the wine territories of Tuscany, in Florence, but all to be rewritten, maybe even apart from the “Preview”, and maybe more consumer oriented than trade oriented. There are meny themes on which Consortia and the Region of Tuscany are thinking.
WineNews, in this sense, collected the reactions of some of the other consortium realities of Tuscany wine, co-protagonist together with Brunello, in the last years, of the “Week of Preview”. Starting with Francesco Mazzei, presindent of the Consorzio della Doc Maremma and above all of Avito, the association that brings together all the wine consortia of the Tuscany Region: “we knew it, and I believe that the Anteprime have a logic that is not necessatily the same for the different Consortia, both in terms of calendar and target. It is a legitimate choice, everyone must do what they feel is right for their denomination. Nevertheless we are discussing with the Tuscany Region to recalibrate things and see what the opportunities are, I think the other Consortia confirm the Anteprime as they are, buti t i salso an opportunity for a “fine tuning”.
Because it is also true that this mechanism of the Anteprime, which are so long and a bit tiring for everyone, is losing a bit of appeal. We came to this because obviously there was a bit of tiredness abput this format. And then the logic of synergies and economies of scale is important, buti t is not always the priority, because everyone has their specific needs. But like all situations of change, I read ita s an opportunity to reflect and renew iteself, nota s a problem”.
Clear words, as are those of Giovanni Busi, president of the Consorzio del Chianti, the largest in Tuscany: “we have our Chianti Lovers manifestation in Febraury, together with Buy Wine (of the Region, and in synergy with the Consorzio del Morellino di Scansano) and we would like it to continue to go on like this. Our new vintages, then, go out on the market on March 1st, so for us it is in the ideal times. We don’t move. It is a manifestation, i don’t say consolidated, because we must always grow, but it exceeds 4,000 partecipants in one day: a heritage that we cannot ignore, we must improve, but more resources are needed. Undoubtedly the choice of the Consorzio del Brunello is the breaking of a front, but it will have its reason and resources to support the “Preview” on its own. Now it is important to undestrand what the Tuscany wants to do, what it wants to invest in, and it does not take away the resources for the Consortia. A common regional event, apart from the Anteprime? Why not, as long as it of a highstanderd, as a region like Tuscany deserve. And also because we have to deal with events such as those in Bordeaux, or those in Piedmont, which are of the highest level”.
along the same lines, the Consorzio del Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, led by Andrea Rossi: maximum respect for the choices of others, of course. We are conviced that the format of the Previews needs to be revised in some respects, but we would have liked to have remained united because I think that unity is strenght. we will testufy to the Councilor for Agriculture Stefania Saccardi our willingness to maintain the current format, the Previews in the territories works, then clearly everything can be discussed. Even a “regional” event regardless of the territorial Anteprime, on the condition that it is qualified and of real promotion. “Tuscany” is an important brand, a common added value”.
“we expected the Consorzio del Brunello’s decision – adds Giovanni Manetti and Carlotta Gori, president and director of the Consorzio del Chianti Classico – now we are waiting to meet again with the representatives of the other Consortia who historically have always partecipated in the “Settimana delle Anteprime” to share choices that may be to confirm the format, perharps with revision as already happened in 2021, dictated by the pandemic, or maybe even different choices. As Consortium we don’t see the need to stop celebrating the “Week of Previews” anymore. The Consorzio del Brunello has made an important choice that has its reason, the other will identify their path, but we must confront ourselves.
From now we can say that our Previews have always been satisfying and succesful events, for us the Chianti Classico Collection (historically in Florence) it has been a significant moment, for 20 years, with extremely posituve feedback even in the las edition which was exceptionally in May, due the pandemic. We would like to continue with the “Week of Previews”, each maintaining their own specificities, but also continuing to benefit from synergies and a common framework.
Buti s too early to make more in-depth assessments, we must both confront the other Consortia and understand what the Tuscany region wants to do. Buti t will be as it always has been, an open and positive dialogue”.
“all together we are making reflections – adds Irina Guicciardini Strozzi, at the head of the Consorzio della Vernaccia di San Gimignano, the only major white appellation in Tuscany - but the “Anteprime” formula remains valid, especially for those who make their Anteprima in the territories, like us, and we certainly want to continue in this direction. Undoubtedly, must be made some evaluations, also based on what is changing with the pandemic, to understand even if other opportunities open up. But the “Week” is an appointment not to be abandoned, because it allows us to better tell the world about ourselves”.

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