Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Liv-ex 100 grew +1.3% in August, and the Italy 100 returned to the top of the indices: +1.57%

Giacomo Conterno’s Barolo Riserva Monfortino 2010 grew +4.5%, among Italian wines. Masseto and Sassicaia are also doing well
Barolo Riserva Monfortino 2010 by Giacomo Conterno

The Liv-ex 100, the index that groups the 100 most traded wines of the moment, including Barolo 2014 Bartolo Mascarello, Barolo Villero 2013 Brovia, Sperss 2013 Gaja, Barolo Riserva Monfortino 2010 Giacomo Conterno, Masseto 2014 and 2015, Ornellaia 2013 and 2015, Sassicaia 2014, 2015 and 2016, Solaia 2015 and Tignanello 2015 and 2016, registered +1.3% growth compared to the previous month. This growth has now lasted for 16 consecutive months; in other words, since the height of the health crisis, between March and April 2020. It is a sign of great stability for fine wines, which are now targeting the historical record of June 2011, when the most representative index of the Liv-ex was just 3.9 percentage points above current levels. However, from the beginning of 2021, growth has been +8.23%, and over the last 5 years, +36.99%.

In this context, the Italy 100 - which includes the last ten vintages on the market of Barbaresco Gaja (2008-2017), Sorì San Lorenzo Gaja (2007-2017, with the exception of 2012), Sperss Gaja (2006- 2016, except for 2012), Barolo Riserva Monfortino Giacomo Conterno (2000-2014, except for 2003, 2007, 2011 and 2012), Masseto (2008-2017), Ornellaia (2008-2017), Sassicaia (2008-2017), Solaia (2008-2017), Sangiovese di Toscana Soldera - Case Basse (2006-2015) and Tignanello (2008-2017) - has decisively returned to positive territory after taking a breather a few months ago, to +1.57%. This is the top figure among all the Liv-ex indices in August, while from the beginning of the year +5.43% growth and +46.78% over the last five years, which makes Italian fine wines the best performing behind Burgundy (+ 75.38%) and Champagne (+ 59.04%).

As far as wine brands are concerned, in August, Coche-Dury Meursault 2016 took the lion’s share, which saw its prices grow +11.1% in just one month, while Domaine Leroy Clos Vougeot 2015 registered + 9% and Domaine Leflaive Chevalier Montrachet 2016 + 5.7%. It is a positive sign also for the 2014 and 2015 vintages of Sassicaia and Masseto, but the best performance of all among Italian wines is still Giacomo Conterno’s Barolo Riserva Monfortino 2010: + 4.5%. It is also noteworthy to mention the + 2.6% growth Opus One 2015 achieved, one of the symbols of Napa Valley and US wine throughout the world.

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