Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Barbera d’Asti joins the solidarity contest for the Ukrainian people

The “Barbera d’Asti Auction” will take place on May 12th, in Asti. 500 bottles of old vintages, and all the proceeds donated to the Green Cross
L’asta della Barbera in favore della popolazione ucraina

Italian wine continues to show its solidarity with the Ukrainian people, which are at the 71st day of resistance to the Russian invasion. 100.000 euros were raised at Vinitaly between the Vinitaly by Veronafiere tastings and the charity auction, “Vini per la Pace” signed by the Consortium of Brunello di Montalcino, Chianti Classico and Bolgheri (22.500 euros) and donated to Caritas Italia in support of refugees. Now Barbera d’Asti and Vini del Monferrato Consortium have also decided to do their part. They have organized the “Auction of Barbera d’Asti” on May 12th, in Asti, with an exceptional guest of honor, Dario Arrigotti, the Honorary Consul of Ukraine.
500 bottles of fine old vintages from the most important wineries in Monferrato will go under the hammer (by an exceptional auctioneer, such as Edoardo Raspelli, the food and wine journalist). The auction base starts at 5.000 euros, and the proceeds will be entirely donated to Green Cross in Asti.
“When we began organizing this event, I was hoping that by the day of the auction we would have been able to say that we were collecting this money to help rebuild Ukraine. I still hope so, obviously. But, first of all, I want this event to be the symbol of a strong embrace and an outstretched hand from Monferrato straight to Kiev, and beyond. Wine unites and is conviviality. Furthermore, in its simplicity, it must bring back the simple values of communion, in other words, those typical and real of the farm communities which are our roots. These are the values the world needs to rediscover today”, Filippo Mobrici, president of the Consorzio Barbera d’Asti, commented.

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