Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Prosecco lands on Netflix, the three Consorzia for the first time together in a commercial

Doc, Conegliano Valdobbiadene Docg and Asolo Docg star in the short film linked to the series “I hate Christmas”

The three appellations of the Prosecco territory, with their respective Consortia - Prosecco Doc Consortium, Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Docg Consortium and Asolo Prosecco Docg Consortium - join forces for the first time (together with the Veneto Region) for a branded content project and land on Netflix: the sparkling wines from Veneto are in fact the protagonists of the commercial “Looking for Gianna in the places of I hate Christmas”, linked to the Netflix TV series “I hate Christmas”, produced by Lux Vide branded entertainment. The commercial, as well as online, will be aired in the subways and airports of Milan, Rome, Brescia and Genoa.
“I believe that viewers”, comments Stefano Zanette, president of the Consorzio di tutela del Prosecco Doc, “have for the first time the opportunity to hear about our three Denominations in a single television production. The occasion may stimulate their curiosity and desire to learn more about each one. What is even more interesting is that, unlike other films, the filming of this miniseries was carried out in the Prosecco production territories, making evident the indissoluble product-territory link that characterizes our Denominations of Origin”.
And it is precisely the magical places of Prosecco, among vineyards, estates and castles in the province of Treviso, that serve as the backdrop for the events of the protagonists of the TV series “I Hate Christmas”, on Netflix, starring Pilar Fogliati (aka Gianna), Beatrice Arnera, (aka Titti), Cecilia Bertozzi (aka Caterina), and Fiorenza Pieri (aka Margherita).
The protagonists also include Marco Rossetti, in the role of Carlo, a wine producer from the Prosecco lands who will try to win Gianna’s heart; while animating the commercial will be the enterprising sommelier played by Gualtiero Burzi, who will meet and treat Gianna’s friends to some lightness with Prosecco bubbles. “The three Prosecco realities”, explains a note, “are distinguished by their commitment to the defense and enhancement of their territories of belonging, while promoting the peculiarities that distinguish each production”.

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