Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Donne del Vino: Campania-based producer Daniela Mastroberardino is the new president

She takes over from Donatella Cinelli Colombini. She will lead the association, which has more than 1,000 members, until 2025

She is Daniela Mastroberardino, a producer from Campania, Italy, administrator and export manager of the Terredora winery in Montefusco (Avellino), the new president of the National Association of Donne del Vino. Elected today, she takes over from outgoing president Donatella Cinelli Colombini, who handed her the symbolic bell, after leading the organization for seven years and bringing women in wine over 1,000.
“It is time to look ahead”, said Daniela Mastroberardino, “without forgetting these almost 35 years of legacy that are being handed over to us and that are the fruit of the work of all of us women of wine, but, in particular, of the presidents who preceded me and who lavished so much, each of them with their own distinctive trait. Thanks for all of them to the three presidents I know best: Pia Donata Berlucchi, the first president at whose side I worked, to my fellow countrywoman Elena Martusciello, with whom I shared so many of the beginnings of my association life, and to Donatella Cinelli Colombini, from whom I am taking over after seven extraordinary years”. And she announced, “the road traced has become familiar to so many of us, to all those members who have dedicated time and energy to make, over the years, the Donne del Vino that splendid association that it is and that, from today, I will have the honor, better the responsibility to lead. The future will have the mark of continuity, proposing the point of view of women in the “magical” world of wine in which we work: culture and promotion, training, presence on issues affecting the sector, internationalization. I am sure we will also have the ability to renew ourselves: there is no continuity without a hint of discontinuity”.
Sitting alongside her will be deputy vice president Francesca Poggio (Piedmont), and vice presidents Marianna Cardone (Apulia) and Paola Longo (Lombardy). Completing the Board of Directors, which will serve for the three-year period 2023-2025, are Marilisa Allegrini (Veneto), Pia Donata Berlucchi (Lombardy), Antonella Cantarutti (Friuli Venezia Giulia), Cristiana Cirielli (Friuli Venezia Giulia), Carolin Martino (Basilicata), Dominique Marzotto (Sicily), Antonietta Mazzeo (Emilia Romagna), and Jenny Vian Gomez (Abruzzo). On the board of arbitrators, sit Michela Guadagno (Campania), Elena Tessari (Veneto), Romina Togn (Trentino Alto Adige).
Born in 1968, Daniela Mastroberardino began her work in 1992. In 1994, when the destinies of the Mastroberardino family took different paths, she participated with her father Walter and brothers Paolo and Lucio in the transformation and development of the family’s agricultural estate, Terredora Di Paolo, now 180 hectares of vines from which some of the labels that help bring Irpinia and Campania to the world are born. Daniela Mastroberardino today is the administrator and export manager of Terredora. She has been a member of Donne del Vino since the 1990s when the then Campania delegation consisted of only four producers. A board member several times with presidents Berlucchi, Martusciello and Cinelli Colombini, she has been vice president since 2016. She has also held positions in other sector associations: she was president of the Campania Movimento Turismo del Vino before becoming national president of the Movimento Turismo del Vino, a role she held from 2012 to 2015. She was honored in 2016 with the Standout Woman Award and the Out of Home Excellence Award for Women (Fipe/Confcommercio - Federazione Italiana Pubblici Esercizi).

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