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Wine: territory, denomination and company brand decide the purchase. But keep an eye on the packaging

The research of Nomisma Wine Monitor by Federvini. The famous brand reassures, PDO and PGI equals higher quality for 85% of consumers
Wine: territory, denomination and company brand decide the purchase. Then the packaging

The “collective brand” of the territory, or the denomination, is represented by the name and symbol of the Doc, Dogc or Igt, and the private brands of the producers, which, at the same time, support and are supported by the territory that contributes to the building. According to a Nomisma Wine Monitor by Federvini study, Italians base their wine purchases more on these two significant assets than others. Because, when asked which criteria are used to choose wine other than personal taste, 24% indicate the presence of the Doc, Docg, or Igt brand, and 20% the production area. However, 29% of consumers are also heavily influenced by the winery’s brand, which, if known, is capable of reassuring the consumer in the face of a seemingly limitless and disoriented offer.
Two pillars, the territory and the company brand, on which the Italian wine system is built, with its dozens and dozens of denominations and hundreds and hundreds of small and large, historic and younger companies that have conquered the world despite a thousand difficulties due to the complexity and richness of the Italian wine offer. However, according to the Nomisma survey, the PDO and PGI are critical regarding perception and value. Because a PDO or PGI wine, when compared to a generic one, is of higher quality for 85% of consumers,
has better organoleptic characteristics for 77%, is a guarantee of the traceability of the production process for 75%, 72% are reassured by the checks and is more environmentally friendly for 48%. As a result, 9 out of 10 consumers are willing to pay more for a branded wine than for a generic one, with percentages ranging from more than 25% to more than 50% higher. Another interesting fact, especially in light of the upcoming implementation of the new packaging directive in the European Union, which could change many things, is that 16% of consumers are heavily influenced by packaging at the time of purchase. The most noticeable aspects are, in order, the label, the shape of the bottle, but also the colour of the bottle’s glass, and so on.

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