Whether one likes him or not, tycoon Elon Musk always makes headlines. And, in this way, in the hours in which the Italian government with an official note “denies that contracts have been signed or agreements have been concluded between the Italian government and the company SpaceX for the use of the Starlink satellite communications system”, from the United States, passing through the Uk, bounces also in Italy the rumor that would like the same Musk interested in putting down roots in Tuscany, a land that, in the past, he has visited several times. According to rumors, the eyes and interests of Musk would have lingered, particularly, on Castello di Montepò, in the municipality of Scansano, a villa-fortress, whose origins date back to 1100 A.D, which belonged over the centuries to various families, such as the Lords of Cotone (an ancient family of the Maremma territory), and the Sergardi of Siena, and which would have been revised, in its current form, by the famous military architect Baldassarre Peruzzi from Siena around the 16th century. And, today, an agricultural and winemaking property located in Maremma owned by Jacopo Biondi Santi, acquired at the beginning of the 2000s, counting 600 hectares of land, of which 50 of which are planted with vines (70% of which are planted with BBS11 Sangiovese Grosso BBS11, exclusively owned by the Biondi Santi family, who, in the 1800s, in Montalcino, invented Brunello at Tenuta Greppo, and the remainder with Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, as one can read on the website of the estate), and formerly owned by the family of English writer Graham Greene.
Jacopo Biondi Santi, contacted by WineNews, declared not to have sold to Elon Musk. But, from what one can learn, there would be a real interest by the owner, among other things of Tesla and social media “X” (formerly “Twitter”). After all, a certain affinity may also exist, due to the fact, that, already, in 2004, exactly from Castello di Montepò, Jacopo Biondi Santi talked about a guided viticulture, in some way, by satellites, which, then, became concrete over the years. Satellites that Musk certainly has. Who, however, has yet to become a “castellan”, and wine producer. And who knows, it might happen in Tuscany and in Maremma, in Scansano, with Castello di Montepò.
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