Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

At Villa Artimino, “Fondazione Giuseppe Olmo” arises linking wine, history, culture, and art

Annabella Pascale leads it heading with cousin Francesco Spotorno Olmo the Tuscan company which belonged to great Italian cyclist-entrepreneur

There are places, more than others, in which wine history intersects to other history, which are legendary in their way. Such as Tenuta di Artimino, in the province of Prato with a view over Florence in a splendid Medicean Villa, surrounded by 70 hectares of lands, of which 70 at vineyard (which we explained here), today headed by Francesco Spotorno Olmo, and Annabella Pascale, grandchildren of Giuseppe Olmo, who was a famous runner and cyclist of the Thirties of XX century, before (the record of a hour in 1935 at 45.090 km/h was made by him, a figure which also gives the name to a special bottle dedicated to this memory, but also gold medal at the Olympic Games in 1932, and winner, among other things, of even twenty legs of Giro d’Italia), and, then, after the War, founder of Olmo plant of bicycles, from which, a group which is among the leaders in the production of polyurethan, but committed also in the front of mountain tourism in Valsassina, in Lombardy, in addition to, obviously, in Tuscany with Tenuta di Artimino. So, exactly in the Tuscan company, in the historical Villa La Ferdinanda, “Fondazione Giuseppe Olmo” was officially presented, an initiative promoted by Olmo family with the aim to spread cultural, support innovation, and valorize historical, artistic, and environmental heritage.
“The Foundation, recognized as Institution of Third Sector, arises to safeguard and preserve the heritage of Giuseppe Olmo, symbol figure of Italian XX century, champion of cycling, Olympic athlete, visionary entrepreneur, and philanthropist. The projects acts as a bridge between past and future, capable of conjugating tradition and innovation, culture and business”, explains a note. “This initiative  - underlines Annabella Pascale heading Villa Artimino, and she is president of the Foundation -  arises with the intention to create a common project between present and future generations of Olmo family, aiming to preserve, develop and represent the values of the family, and of the group throughout scientific and historic research activities, in addition to cultural, social, and philanthropic initiatives. A witness entrusted to each of us to continue to valorize the history which began by my grandfather Giuseppe Olmo, which today became a great Italian value, industrial and cultural heritage”.
The Foundation, adds the note, is articulated into a dynamic organizational structure basing on a hub & spoke model allowing to coordinate activities and projects in synergy with institutions, companies and research centers. The board of directors, nominated by Olmo family, of which advisors Francesco Spotorno Olmo and Filippo Olmo are part, is made up of representatives of academic, cultural and business world. The Commission “Cultura del territorio” - “Culture of the territory” is entrusted to the direction of professor Attilio Scienza, while Commission “Cultura d’Impresa” - “Culture of Business” is entrusted to the direction of doctor Franco Achilli. The executive bodies of the Foundation include the Orientation Committee, coordinated by doctor Vincenzo Ercolino, in charge of defining the strategies, and overseeing the implementation of two-year programs. The first meeting of the Foundation will be realized in collaboration with La Milanesiana by Elisabetta Sgarbi, who, on May, 30th, will be in Artimino, at Villa La Ferdinanda with a stop of her calendar dedicated to music, art, and literature with the participation of famous artists, and a Nobel Prize.

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