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A new documentary tells how Italian winemakers are coping with climate change

The project, which is titled “Degrees” - by Fivi Federazione Italiana Vignaioli Indipendenti and Will Media - will be online from January 16
“Degrees” tackles the issue of climate change as seen from the world of wine

Italian wine in the times of climate change: an important topic at the center of “Degrees”, the new documentary born from the collaboration between Fivi - Federazione Italiana Vignaioli Indipendenti and Will Media. The project, which will be online starting January 16 on @willmedia’s You Tube channel, tells how, from North to South, Italian producers face the challenges of “climate change,” between adaptation and mitigation. An exclusive press preview of the documentary is scheduled for January 13 in Milan. Here is the trailer.
Fivi, founded in 2008, aims to promote and protect the figure and work of the independent Italian winemaker, understood as the person who implements the complete wine production cycle, from the cultivation of the grapes to the bottling and marketing of the final product. There are currently more than 1,700 producers associated with Fivi, from all regions of Italy, with a total of more than 17,000 hectares of vineyards.

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