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A special toast to the 100th anniversary of Chianti Classico Consortium, with President Mattarella

At the Quirinale Palace the meeting between the Head of State and the president of the Black Rooster Consortium, Giovanni Manetti

A special toast to the 100th anniversary of the Chianti Classico Consortium, which protects one of Italy’s most beautiful territories, enclosed in the hills drawn by the Renaissance soul of Florence and the medieval soul of Siena: was celebrated, yesterday, at the Quirinale Palace, in Rome, by the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, and Chianti Classico President Giovanni Manetti, in the works of the “Wine Culture Forum: the 100 years of the Chianti Classico Consortium”, between debates and tastings, signed at the Rome Waldorf Astoria, in collaboration with Fondazione Italiana Sommelier (Fis), headed by Franco Maria Ricci.
“In this year that is so significant for our Consortium”, commented the Consortium’s president, “I am grateful to the institutions, which accompany us in our daily work and which this year wanted to devote attention to our reality, starting with the highest office of the Italian state, President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, who met with me showing rare sensitivity and in-depth knowledge of the issues we care about”. “With President Mattarella”, Manetti added, to WineNews, “we talked about the territory, the centenary of the Consortium and more. He was very curious, interested, with pertinent questions on many aspects, showing interest, competence and true participation, as well as attention, more generally, for the world of wine. It was a very pleasant and exciting moment, as well as a sign of great attention to the centenary anniversary of our Consortium, which is the first ever in Italian agribusiness, not just wine, and we shared reflections on the very value of Consortia, which then is that of coming together to achieve goals that alone could not be achieved”.
President Manetti, representing all the Black Rooster producers, brought as a gift to President Mattarella the book on the history of the Consortium “On the Trails of the Black Rooster” and three bottles of Chianti Classico wine, chosen to celebrate his institutional career from his first election to the Chamber of Deputies to his second election as President of the Italian Republic. On the box, the following dedication: “on the Centenary of the establishment of the Chianti Classico Wine Consortium, the producers of the Black Rooster thank the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella, celebrating the dedication of a life spent in the service of our country, through the vintages of three years, 1983, 2015 and 2022 so significant for its history and our Republic”.
Also at the Forum, among others, was the Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry, Francesco Lollobrigida, with opening remarks, in which he reiterated the importance of the Chianti Classico Consortium and producers’ unions in safeguarding, protecting and promoting quality Made in Italy products. Words such as “farsightedness, vision, respect for the territory, cohesion, sustainability, tradition, culture, unity, solidarity, sharing, common home”, those most recurrent in describing the 100 years of a reality and a territory that are unique in the world.

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