Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Alajmo-Bottura, top italian chefs in Europe

The Opinionated About Dining ranking that puts together the opinions of 5.700 food lovers
Massimo Bottura

Which is the best restaurant in Europe? It is the three-star Michelin Schloss Schauenstein of chef Andreas Caminada, in Fürstenau, Switzerland, followed by the Swedish nordic cuisine Fäviken, of chef Magnus Nilsson, and third place goes to the Basque Etxebarri of Víctor Arguinzoniz. These are the top three on the “Top 100+ European Restaurants 2018”, the Opinionated About Dining ranking that puts together the opinions of 5.700 food lovers. The top Italian restaurant is the three-starred Le Calandre of Massimiliano Alajmo in Rubano at position number 10, followed by Massimo Bottura and his Osteria Francescana di Modena at number 15.

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