Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Art and architecture will “dress” wine. Collaboration between Bellavista and Maison Dedar

The celebrated designer of fine fabrics and wallpapers designs the packaging of the Terra Moretti Group’s Franciacorta brand vintages

Every bottle will be tailor made, like for a person; or rather, the place where wine is made will be furnished as if it were a Palace, combining “refinement and flavors of Italy with Italian innovation and character”. And so the collaboration between Bellavista, the Franciacorta brand of the Terra Moretti Group, and the esteemed Maison Dedar, which, since 1776, has been creating prestigious fabrics and wallpaper in Italy (and since 2011, has collaborated with a brand the likes of Hermès, ed.) began. The packaging of the Bellavista vintages will now be “dressed” in Dedar’s creations, inspired by “the design of engravings of classic monuments that are full of charm and history and immersed in an classic nature”, which will narrate the character of each wine. For instance, the Pas Operé “dress” is inspired by the architecture of Pompeii, from which the nectar takes its inspiration as well, and from a wall painting dedicated to the Goddess Isis. Satèn takes the shape of the Nymphaeum portrait at the Villa of Pope Giulio Terzo in Rome, while the Rosé “dress” brings to mind the Gardens of Villa Doria Panfili, also in the capital city.

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