Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

“Barolo and Barbaresco are unique, and have an extraordinary human factor”, Angelo Gaja said

One of the greatest wine producers in Italy, at the Barolo & Barbaresco World Opening in New York, talks about the importance of unity for growth
Angelo Gaja talks to WineNews in New York

United we grow, in the name of diversity and excellence. This was the message from the first edition of the Barolo & Barbaresco World Opening, in New York (in China in 2021, ed.), the big event that brought the excellent Piedmont wines to a world capital. Angelo Gaja, one of the most important and famous Italian wine producers in the world, symbol of the excellent Piedmont wines, explained the importance of this world event to WineNews, “Before this, no Italian wine territory had ever brought such a large number of producers abroad. The message”, he explained, “is that the Nebbiolo grape variety builds wines having a very strong identity, because luckily, it is planted mainly in the Piedmont region, so it is always identifiable. This isn’t always the case with vines like Merlot, Chardonnay and others that produce wines which you are not always certain where they come from”.
Luck, though, is reinforced by tradition and the know-how of generations of producers, who have made Piedmont wine a mark of excellence in the world, linked to its traditions. “Barolo and Barbaresco”, continued Gaja, come from a specific place and have an extraordinary human factor. Some of the companies’ productions might at times be small, but they are still the true ambassadors of our great territory”. And, our territory is not only great wines, “we have excellent food specialties, too – one for all, the truffle”, said the wine producer, “as well as excellent writers like Pavese and Fenoglio, who wrote about our great history. Now, finally, we have come here to put all of this on stage”.

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