Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Between promotion and show, Langa wine and cuisine in the spotlight of Hollywood Studios

The “case history” staged in Los Angeles, for “Barolo & Barbaresco World Opening”. Wines as protagonists, guest stars the Langhe chefs

Promotion and communication of food and wine are important, and even more effective, when they get out from the not secondary context, but often self-referential, of experts and super enthusiasts. Maybe mixing with other “themes” or languages, such as, for example, that of entertainment, in its different forms, focusing more on fascination and emotion, accessible to everyone, than on technical aspects, reserved for few. Therefore, widening the audience and the scope of the message to as wide an audience as possible, even when it comes to products of excellence and, in their own way, at least philosophically, elite. But, in order to be really such, they must be known and desirable by the general public. As they are, in wine, Barolo and Barbaresco, among the most important wines in the world and symbols of the Langhe and of Italy, which, together with the traditional cuisine of the territory, for a few hours, stole the limelight from no less than Hollywood, the world temple of cinema, the seventh art, which today more than ever is “pop” par excellence.
Because during the days in which the “Barolo & Barbaresco World Opening” is being celebrated (April 28-29, in Los Angeles), alongside great tastings and seminars for trade and press, the Consortium of Barolo and Barbaresco has staged a little “colossal” in the name of taste: The protagonists were Barolo and Barbaresco from 200 producers, guest stars were four “cooks” from Langhe who, in the Paramount Pictures Studios in Hollywood, where the history of world cinema was written, prepared, “on the set”, live, under the sign of the “clapperboard: it’s cooking”, tajarin and agnolotti of “plin”, very traditional, literally Oscar-worthy, giving spectacle for the eyes and the palate. And stealing the scene, for one night, the superstars of world cinema. Without special effects, except for those of the taste on the plate in the glass, with the great expressions of Nebbiolo, and with all the authenticity of good food made in Italy, which has conquered the world, starting from the USA.
Telling their story, therefore, also through a promotion that is perhaps not very “purist”, but able to speak to many people, who are many more than the narrow niche of insiders, gourmets and wine lovers.
“We wanted to arouse emotion, to bring here, in this particular place, the Studios, what we are, our culture, oenological and enogastronomic - explains, to WineNews, from California, the president of the Consortium of Barolo and Barbaresco, Matteo Ascheri - we brought four cooks from Langhe to make, live, agnolotti and tajarin, to tell our reality, and the productions that are linked to unique stories. Our companies are often family-owned, and this is what we wanted to tell. Hollywood and the Langhe have nothing in common, but contrasts sometimes enhance positive things, and we chose Los Angeles precisely to come to a place that was light years away not only physically, but also culturally, from the Langhe. And the theme of the evening was “Once upon a time in Langa”, where we represented our tradition”.

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