There will be 16 chefs from 8 different regions of Italy and Denmark ready to cook on 15 and 16 March in Bergamo for the Italian selection of the prestigious cooking competition created by the great French chef Paul Bocuse. The winner will go on to the selections for the “Bocuse d’Or Europe 2010” in Geneva, on 7 and 8 June, where the European selections, promoted by the Swiss Academy of the Bocuse d’Or and by GL Events, will be held. The Italian selection is one of the many promoted worldwide by the prestigious competition, whose mission is to promote gastronomy in new countries and give all the chefs the opportunity to win the coveted award. The first 12 countries classified in the European selection will be admitted to the “Bocuse d’Or” for the finals in 2011 in Lyon (info:
Chosen by the Competition Organizing Committee, chaired by Giancarlo Perbellini of the Perbellini Restaurant on the Rizza Verona Island, here below are the 16 finalists who, supported by an assistant and a coach, will do their very best under the watchful eyes of the jury of experts.
The jury will be composed of 24 of the top Italian chefs, chaired by Alfonso Iaccarino of the Relais “Don Alfonso” in Sant’Agata dei Due Golfi (Naples): Enrico Bartolini, 30 years old, chef at Le Robinie di Cà D’Agosto in Montescano (Pavia); Samuele Beccaro, 28 years old, chef at Trattoria la Ragnatela di Scaltenigo in Mirano (Venice); Fabio Borgonovo, 30 years old, chef at Villa Giavazzi in Verdello (Bergamo); Alessio Bottin, 32 years old, chef at La Trattoria di Giovanni Rana in Verona; Daniel Facen, 44 years old, chef at Ristorante Anteprima in Chiuduno (Bergamo); Carmelo Floridia, 33 years old, chef at Locanda Gulfi in Chiaramonte Gulfi (Ragusa); Massimiliano La Pietra, 25 years old, chef at Colline Ciociarie in Acuto (Frosinone); Stefano Leone, 33 years old, chef at Custom House in Copenhagen (Denmark); Massimiliano Mascia, 26 years old, chef at Ristorante San Domenico in Imola (Bologna); Stefano Metrangolo, 37 years old, chef at Ai Sette Nani in Megrisia in Ponte Piave (Treviso); Lucio Moras, 39 years old, chef at Alle Grazie in Pordenone; Andrea Serravezza, 35 years old, chef at Hotel Sheraton in Lecce; Felice Sgarra, 28 years old, chef at Le Lampare al Fortino, Trani (Barletta-Andria-Trani); Piergiorgio Siviera, 29 years old, chef at Lazzaro 1915 in Pontelongo (Padova); Nicola Vizzari, 36 years old, chef at Hotel Ristorante San Giorgio-Hotel Eden in Campobasso; Alberto Zanoletti, 31 years old, chef at Locanda Armonia in Trescore Balneario (Bergamo).
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