Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

“Canova’s Wine” for the 200th anniversary of the sculptor’s death, “baptized” by Vittorio Sgarbi

The wine is Asolo Prosecco Superiore DOCG of the Tenuta Amadio, for the Canova Foundation, produced in the homeland of the great Neoclassic sculptor

To celebrate the bicentennial of the death of the great Italian sculptor, “Canova’s Wine” was created in the homeland of one of the leading figures of Neoclassicism. The anniversary wine has been produced in a limited edition of Tenuta Amadio’s Asolo Prosecco Superiore DOCG. A few days ago, the Estate gave Vittorio Sgarbi bottle number 1 of the 1.000 numbered and collectible, in Possagno, the home of Canova, to inaugurate the exhibition, “Canova and pain. Le stele Mellerio”, conceived by the famous art critic and president of the Canova Foundation, held at the Antonio Canova Gypsotheca Museum (until June 5th).
The Italian wine world, together with the Monfumo winery, in the heart of the Asolo Prosecco Denomination, commemorates one of the greatest Italian artists of all time at the “Canova Anniversaries” that are being held in 2022-2023, to celebrate two hundred years after the death of the sculptor.
The occasion is the exhibition dedicated to the funeral monument created at the request of Count Giacomo Mellerio. The most important moment of the event is the recomposition, for the first time since its dismemberment, of theVilla Gernetto in Lesmo’s private chapel. The Count, to pay tribute to his uncle Giovanni Battista and his wife Elisabetta Castelbarco, commissioned the two bas-reliefs which were created by Antonio Canova. And, thanks to this exhibition, the two marble sepulchral steles will finally be reunited with the two plaster originals, preserved in the Gypsotheca in Possagno. Further, the first 1.000 numbered bottles will have special labels representing the Countess Elisabetta Mellerio as depicted by Canova, in the stele dedicated to her.
It is a project of great cultural value, which has been achieved thanks to the support of Tenuta Amadio, a young and innovative wine company rooted in the territory, and dedicated to sustainability as well as the rediscovery of ancient vines such as "Bianchetta Treviso”. “I would like to borrow the words quoted by Professor Sgarbi on the occasion of the last exhibition held here”, Simone Rech, at the helm of the Amadio Estate together with his sister, Silvia, said, “who, quoting Dostoevsky, said, beauty will save the world, if men know how to preserve it”. This phrase contains the most profound meaning of our collaboration with the Canova Foundation, due to the solid bond that Canova had with these places. The purpose of our project is to enhance an artist known internationally as the greatest Neoclassical sculptor, born in what is now called “Canova lands”. The aim is also to make our territory known and promote it by combining the symbol of food and wine excellence, Asolo Prosecco Superiore DOCG, together with the absolute excellence of art”.

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