Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Cantina di Soave, from waste to energy to illuminate the Eiffel Tower for 15 months

Thanks to the RafCycle recycling project, the siliconized paper backings of labels become new paper

The amount of energy sufficient to illuminate the Eiffel Tower for 15 months has been produced by 62 tons of waste. This is the result of the project, started three years ago, to recycle the siliconized paper backings on self-adhesive labels used by Soave Winery. Soave has been working on energy saving and environmental protection projects for years, following a logic of sustainability and a circular economy capable of significantly reducing waste. Therefore, instead of sending the 62 tons of waste to landfills, they have decided to recycle it, thanks to the RafCycle project. The waste in the supply chain was turned into new paper, produced by the Upm paper mills, and Cantina di Soave has saved energy for 2.738.100 MJ.

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