Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Chianti betting on China: the first 240 Chianti Wine Experts in China

The Chianti Academy of the Chianti Wine Consortium in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing: the first Tuscan red wine experts
The next Chianti Wine Experts in China

There is quite a gap to be filled between Italian wine and the Chinese market, which goes beyond the mere geographical one. The gap, especially compared to the main competitors, France and Australia, is communication and cultural, and needs to be reduced as quickly as possible, mainly because the numbers, though positive, are marking a slowdown. According to data from the Italian economic studies consultancy, Nomisma, Italian wine exports grew 3.3% over 2017, but bottled PDO red wines were below average, at just +1%. The happy exception was Tuscan red wines, which scored +11.3%. What is the secret? Bringing the Chinese wine lovers world closer to the wealth of the Italian wine world, like Chianti has done, starting the first Chianti Academy in China to prepare 240 experts in the sector. Close to the end of the course organized by the Chianti Wine Consortium in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing, the participants are now preparing for the final exam to become the first Chianti Wine Experts in the country.
During the three months of the course, the members of the Academy deepened their knowledge of Chianti wine, which was for the most part dedicated to comparisons between vintages and reserves. They learned the history and culture of Tuscan wine, studied the production chain of the denomination and the policies of product protection, production disciplinary, and an intensive tasting of the different wines of the companies associated with the Consortium. They also analyzed food pairings, with Chinese dishes as well, and studied present-day issues, such as consumption among young people, communication and product marketing.
“We immediately received a wonderful response”, commented the president of the Chianti Wine Consortium, Giovanni Busi. “China is confirmed one of the top foreign markets for Italian wine, an interest that does not end at consumption or tasting, but that also involves our culture and tradition. The Academy is an important project to consolidate the presence of our companies' products in a country that has enormous potential”.

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