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Exports of bulk wine grew in volume while value went down between April 2019 and April 2020

“The Bulk Wine Club” data reveal that Spain, Australia and Italy were the main exporters, while the UK, Germany, USA and France were top for imports
Exports of bulk wine grew in volume while value went down between April 2019 - April 2020

The Bulk Wine Club gathered data which showed world trade of bulk wine in the 12 months from April 2019 to April 2020, (considering that the Pandemic greatly affected the last few months), has moved 3.3 billion liters of wine, which is 2.8% more than the previous year, for a value totaling 2.4 billion euros, or -5.1%, at an average price of 72 cents per liter (-7.8%). More current data also highlighted the performances of the topmost exporting countries. Spain, as an exporter, for instance, maintained its leadership, even though the trend was definitely negative and in the 12 months between May 2019 and 2020, Spain shipped 1 billion liters of bulk wine around the world (-2.1%), for a total value of 447 million euros (-16.3%), and instead the average price per liter plummeted 14.5%, to just 42 euro cents. Australia took second place, as far as value is concerned, and from June 2019 and June 2020, shipped 357 million liters of wine (-8.5%) for a total of 311 million euros (-4.7%), at an average price that increased +4.5%, to 87 euro cents. Italy (data updated to May 2020), shipped 445 million liters of bulk wine (+10.3%) for a total of 290 million euros (-5.6%), and an average price that followed the same negative trend as the Spanish (-14.5%), stabilizing at 65 cents per liter.
On the other hand, between June 2019 and June 2020, the main importers were the United Kingdom (618 million euros, marking an increase of 2.5%, for 524 million liters, down -2%), Germany (502 million euros, down -5.5%, for 842 million liters, +2.2%), the USA (262 million euros for 346 million liters, and both value and volume grew +20%) and France (255 million euros, down -9.7%, for 534 million liters, stable amount).

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