French spirits soar abroad: exports of wines and spirits from across the Alps grew 14% in the first quarter, driven by Asian demand for Bordeaux and Cognac, with a turnover increase of 600 million euros, thanks to the performance of Bordeaux (+31%, a sales increase of 300 million euros) and Cognac (+20%, an increase of 200 million euros). The snapshot of this export “exploit” of our French "cousins" was taken by FEVS- Fédération des Vins de Exportateurs & Spiritueux de France (
Asia is, therefore the main driver of French exports, which grew 21% in the Orient. The United States, though, with sales of 853 million euros (+8.6%) reinforces its position as market leader for wines and liquors Made in France. Good news from Europe: after two difficult years, sales are finally up in value (+13%, for a total turnover of 2 billion euros), despite the decrease in volume (less 5%).
The total of French wine exports amounted to 3.5 billion euros, a 13.5% increase in value, but only 3.5% in volume (71 million cases sold), while exports of liquor increased 16% in value, compared to a 1% decrease in the number of cases sold.
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