Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

From Botter and Mondodelvino, directed by the Clessidra Fund, the group “Argea” is born

420 million in revenues in 2021, 50 million in investments, six production sites, and 95% of turnover from exports to 85 countries around the world
Massimo Romani, CEO of Argea

The launch of new wine, zero alcohol, produced in Germany, to meet the needs of the German market; the study and experimentation of new formats and new materials that go beyond the glass, not only to respond to the expensive energy and the lack of raw materials, but also to meet environmental sustainability, respecting the maintenance of wine quality, even the most long-lived; and, above all, the rebranding, because, from today, Botter-Mondodelvino is under the umbrella of a new holding, “Argea”. Here is the news, from Milan, today, of the Botter-Mondodelvino Group, directed by the Clessidra Fund.

“Ar” as art and “Gea” as land, is the genesis of “Argea”, six production sites in four regions, consolidated revenues of 420 million euros in 2021, an investment plan for 50 million euros, exports in 85 Countries, from which comes 95% of turnover. A new company in the Italian wine scene, born to face the dimensional challenge of the global market and bring the made in Italy to the world in compliance with the highest standards of quality and sustainability. The shareholding structure of the Group sees a holding, majority owned by the Clessidra Fund, with an important stake in the Botter family and a presence of the Martini family and management. Argea, therefore, is being born large and above all, it is being born to grow further - both organically and through acquisitions - in the creation of value and in the pursuit of sustainability.
“With this project, combining resources among the best in the sector, Argea intends to represent a great opportunity for Italian wine and for the entire wine sector on world markets. Through our Business Plan, we strive for ethical and sustainable development that involves our collaborators, communities, and the environment in which we operate. This is an ambitious path, characterized by huge investments that will allow Argea to broaden its horizons more and more, with significant growth both abroad and in Italy”, comments Massimo Romani, CEO of Argea.
“Just over a year ago Clessidra launched the project “Vino Italiano nel Mondo”. Today it is no longer just a project but the largest exporter of Italian wine. The new name Argea is used to bring together all our products in a single house. Argea is professionalism, the pursuit of quality and innovation”, adds Andrea Ottaviano, CEO of Clessidra.
“Since its name, the union between “art” and “land”, Argea was born to share the Italian wine art with the whole world, always in full respect of nature, from the land to the glass. Starting from the logo, passing from the font to the new brand architecture, everything has been designed to reflect the strength, stability, and prestige but also the Mediterranean culture and history of the Group. All values that will be fully expressed and conveyed, not only by the products we bring to our consumers but also through huge marketing investments, already foreseen in the Industrial Plan”, commented Enrico Gobino, Argea’s marketing/communication manager.

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