Starting from Conegliano, and conquer the world. A path shared by two different champions of made in Italy: on the one hand, Prosecco, today the most successful Italian sparkling wine ever, and on the other, Alessandro del Piero, flag of Juventus and the Italian National Football Team, among the most beloved Italian champions ever. A path that, now, could intertwine, in the sign of the common origin and passion for the wine of “Pinturicchio”, as the lawyer Agnelli called it. Because Del Piero, already in the restaurant business with his N.10 brand premises in Los Angeles and Milan, who has long owned 25 hectares of land around his hometown, no longer makes it a mystery that he wants to devote himself to wine production, as many of his former colleagues such as Barzagli and Pirlo, his former teammates at Juventus and in the national team, or opponents such as Iniesta, in Spain, just to name a few.
“I am fascinated by the process of creating wine, which combines many skills, from the knowledge of a specific terroir to that of the grape varieties, up to the processes of fermentation and aging. For some years now I have owned a 25-hectare farm in the hills of Conegliano and I'm thinking of creating my label”, Del Piero confessed to “La Cucina Italiana”. On the other hand, the vineyard is something familiar for Alex, as he wrote in his book “Giochiamo Ancora”, from 2012, they have to say goodbye to Juventus: “everything started in the village. There were these perfect afternoons. In the summer we started playing football after lunch and continued until dark. Slowly, everything around us disappeared. The shadows ate the houses, the lawn, the vineyard near the courtyard. Dad had hung four light bulbs to illuminate our games. It was my stadium, it was my Cup of Champions.”
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