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Global wine exports at 10,803 million liters (-0.9%) for 36 billion euros (+ 11.8%)

Oemv data for the 12 months June 2021 - June 2022: the US surpasses Germany and Great Britain also in terms of quantities. Russia collapses
World export of wine

In the 12 months, between June 2021 and June 2022, global wine exports reached 10,803 million liters (-0.9%), for a turnover of 36.26 billion euros (+11.8 %), a historical record, with a significant increase in the average price, which increased from 3 to 3.36 euros per liter. Basically, as the numbers of the Observatorio Español del Mercado del Vino tell, shipments have seen a drop of 92.8 million liters, with a negative dynamic that began in February and is still ongoing, but turnover has grown by 3, 56 billion euros compared to the previous 12 months. During this period, the United States proved to be the market that was able to grow the most, spending 1.37 billion euros more and importing 138.8 million liters of wine more, arriving at 6.48 billion euros for 1.42 billion liters of wine imported in the period June 2021-June 2022. In this way, the USA consolidates its leadership in terms of values, and overtakes, in volume, both Germany and the United Kingdom.
Great Britain is still solidly the second world market for value-added wine shipments: London imported 4.54 billion euros of wine, in the 12 months from June 2021 to June 2022, with an expense that impressively increased by 780 million euros, equal to + 20.7%. Volumes, on the other hand, show a slight decrease, stopping at 1.36 billion liters, 0.5% less than the previous year, confirming the country in third place, behind the United States and Germany, which becomes the second volume market for wine exports, with 1.36 billion liters, down by 4.7%, and still in third place in terms of value, which remains substantially stable at 2.79 billion euro (+0.7%).
Finally, the predictable collapse of Russia should be noted: the invasion of Ukraine in February - and the consequent international isolation, which is bringing enormous economic repercussions to the country, and therefore to consumption - has caused the volume of wine imports to fall by 37.1%, and at a value of 34% (-349 million euros), dropping Moscow from tenth to the thirteenth position among the reference markets for world wine exports.

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