If some people, in the variegated and fragmented wine supply chain, can breathe a little, in these very difficult times, through large-scale distribution and e-commerce, for others the large-scale distribution stop weighs more. Not to mention that ancient evil for the Italian wine sector, many realities still have to be paid for the wine sold long before the coronavirus emergency broke out. And so, to the motto of #ilvinononsiferma, over 200 winemakers from all over Italy have put the state of the art on paper, and their proposals, in a letter whose signatures have become more than 320 in a few hours. Where, even with the awareness that this is a very difficult period for everyone, and with the willingness to take further steps to meet the needs of customers, not only is it required to pay invoices issued until the end of 2019 immediately, but where the winemakers, who meanwhile continue to run the countryside and the vineyard, bearing the costs, say strongly that they are not willing to accept undue pressure from those who, unfortunately, would like to take advantage of the crisis.
From Edoardo Ventimiglia (Sassotondo), first signatory, to Walter Massa (Vigneti Massa), from Marilena Barbera (Azienda Agricola Barbera) to Ettore Ciancico (La Salceta) from Francesco Fenech (Fenech Francesco) to Michele Antonio Fino (Cascina Melognis), from Francesco Josko Gravner and Mateja Gravner (Gravner) to Filippo Antonelli (Antonelli San Marco), from Angela Fronti (Istine) to Annalisa Motta and Michele Scienza (Guado al Melo), from (Antonio Arrighi) to Gianni Pignattai (Pietroso), from Michele Satta (Michele Satta) to Rocco Toscani (Toscani), from Alessio Brogi (Il Colombaio di Santa Chiara) to Vincenzo Tassinari (president of Tenute del Cerro), from Elisa Tornesi (Tornesi) to Ginevra Venerosi (Tenuta di Ghizzano), from Susanna Grassi (I Fabbri) to Moreno Petrini (Tenuta di Valgiano), from Arianna Gelpke (Fattoria Corzano and Paterno) to Matilde Poggi (Le Fraghe and president of the Federazione Itaiana Vignaioli Indipendenti, ed) from Giovanni Dubini (Palazzone) to Emanuele Pelizzatti Perego (Arpepe ), from Gerardo Giuratrabocchetti (Cantine del Notaio) to Carlotta and Marta Rinaldi (Giuseppe Rinaldi), just to name a few from a long list that is constantly updated (here https://www.ilvinononsiferma.it/page/2/), the words are very clear of the vintners, set in what, as they explain themselves, is an “open letter from the Italian vintners for a loyal and shared supply chain dynamics”, which is reported in full below.
“The economic consequences of the pandemic,” the wine growers write, “have overwhelmed our entire society, with effects that are also putting our wine sector in crisis. Many customers have been forced to close down, but nature does not stop: we, the guardians of the land, have not stopped. We work for excellence, to enhance the culture and civilization of wine, to consolidate the reputation of Made in Italy in the world. Defending the integrity of the territories and the beauty of the landscapes, which make our country extraordinary, is our other mission, which makes us proud to be Italian. We are thus guardians of unique ecosystems, at a time when the fight against climate change is equally urgent.
We are aware of the difficulties that this pandemic has caused and the effects it will continue to have on all sectors for which wine is an irreplaceable resource. We appreciate the initiatives launched by the world of distribution aimed at stimulating dialogue between the various players in the supply chain and we are close to our distributors, agents, wine merchants and restaurateurs, sommeliers, catering services, innkeepers and all those who love wine.
We are an active part of the extraordinary community that lives on wine and our conviction is that we can only emerge from this crisis if we remain united and if the work and role of every one of us in every link in the supply chain is safeguarded.
That is why we ask everyone to respect our work and offer the same respect in return, aware that only with loyal cooperation can we all come out of this crisis together. We will not accept commercial pressure aimed at reducing the margin that represents the source of income for us and our companies, because we believe that only with the recognition of fair compensation is guaranteed the dignity of our work and the work of those who collaborate with us in the production, marketing, and promotion of our wines.
We will not accept unfair practices such as the bill of sale and disproportionate requests for gifts, aware that only by respecting normal commercial conditions can we contribute positively to the development of the supply chain.
We ask all our customers to respect the deadlines for payment of supplies made up to 31/12/2019, at a time when the market was not yet presenting any critical issues related to the pandemic.
We are willing to discuss forms of concessional credit that take account of the economic difficulties that, with the long period of inactivity, all restaurants and wine bars will face when they reopen while respecting the efforts and investments that our companies have never stopped facing.
We are committed, in our choices of direct sales of our products to the final consumer, to operate with loyalty towards our distribution and horeca customers, which are fundamental for the promotion and enhancement of the wines produced by Italian winemakers.
For this reason, we guarantee that our price lists dedicated to private individuals respect the normal marginality reserved to traders.
We are convinced that collaboration with all the players in the wine supply chain must be strengthened, aware that only open and organic dialogue can provide the best opportunities for growth and enhancement for our small, great world”.
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