1.2 billion liters (0.2% less than 2014) for 4 billion euros (+ 4.3%) of bottled wine, in addition to 277.3 million liters (+ 15.3%) for 984.9 million euros of sparkling wines (+ 17%) and 492.5 million liters (12.5%) for 358.5 million euros (9.7% less). These are the numbers of wine exports in 2015, according to Italian Wine Union’s "Wine by Numbers" and “Courier Vinicolo” that collected them from statistics organizations, customs and trade associations. The total comes to 1.98 billion liters (PDO and PGI wines make up 2/3 of the total both in quantity and value) for 5.3 billion euros, achieved thanks to growth on almost all the major markets.
Starting in the US, where 256.4 million liters of bottled wine were sent (+ 4.7%) for a value of 1.05 billion euros (+ 12%), in addition to 51.2 million liters (+ 24.5%) of sparkling wine, for 194.9 million euros (+ 28.2%).
The numbers from Germany were also positive, confirming it is a stable market with a slow, but steady growth. 277 million liters of bottled wine were sent (+1.4%) for 754.9 million euros (+ 1.6%), in addition to 22.8 million liters of sparkling wines (+ 4.6%) for 86.2 million euros (+ 3%). The UK market, instead registered a slight downhill trend for still wines (2% less in volume to 200.7 million hectoliters, and 2.2% less in value, to 423.2 million euro), while there has been another boom in bubbles: + 45.7% in volume, 88.2 million liters for 274.7 million euro (+ 50.9%).
Among the major emerging markets, however, there are positive signals only from China, on bottled still wines: 20.4 million liters (+ 7.4%) for 71.9 million euros (+ 21.4%). Russia continued its downhill trend (24.3% less in volume to 20.2 million hectoliters, and 27% less in value to 44.6 million euros) as well as Brazil (8.2% less in volume, to 7.5 million liters, and 13.1 less in value to 22.1 million euros), and all three markets showed even more negative signals for bubbles.
Some interesting facts emerged from the report, like the average price: 3.3 euros per liter for still wines (+4.6% on 2014), and 3.5 euros for sparkling wines (+1.5%). The markets that sell at a higher price are Southeast Asia, 9.34 euros in Hong Kong and 7.83 in Singapore, followed by Switzerland at 6.12 euros. Netherlands took first place for sparkling wines at 7.03 euros per liter ahead of Hong Kong at 6.23 euros and Singapore at 5.27 euros.
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