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In front of the fireplace with red wine or at the spa with bubbles: Valentine’s Day of wine lovers

On WineNews social channels - Facebook and Instagram - thousands of responses: young people are disillusioned, but romanticism always wins

Loved by lovers, hated by confirmed singles, Valentine’s Day is destined, as always, to divide opinions. And this is exactly what emerges from the surveys launched by WineNews on its social channels (Instagram, where followers are now close to 10,000, and Facebook, with likes reaching 51,705): on Instagram, the question “Will you celebrate Valentine’s Day?” was answered by 26,414 wine lovers, of which just 4,541, or 17.2%, in a positive way, and the remaining 21,873, or 82.8%, in a negative way. Is the world of wine a world of singles or, indeed, without romance? Perhaps it is so among the youngest, the real protagonists of Instagram, but if we move on Facebook, where the average age grows, the flame of Valentine’s Day as a couple comes back to life. Here, 1,316 people answered the survey “For a perfect Valentine’s Day I choose ...”, which sees the victory, by detachment, of the red wine in front of the fireplace, probably the most romantic option of all, with 696 votes (52.9%), in front of the bubbles at the spa, relaxing as a couple, with 361 votes (27.4%), and white wine in a romantic restaurant, perhaps the most “classic” declination of Valentine’s Day, which collects 259 votes (19.7%).

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