ALS disease in agriculture? This is the troubling question the Attorney General in Turin has asked during the investigation led by the public prosecutor Guariniello, who is following the connection between football and the terrible Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, a disease that paralyzes all the muscular movements and leads to death.
e world of football the incidence of the disease is 24 times higher than normal, with 50 fatal cases ascertained, while only among the farmers of the Piedmont region, and in 2011 alone there have been 123 cases diagnosed with the disease. The correlation would be pesticides used in agricultural fields and on sports fields to protect crops and green carpets. At the moment, it’s just a hypothesis, there are no suspects, say the press agencies. But the investigation will continue in order to understand, for example, whether there are particular agricultural sectors where the incidence of the disease is higher, or whether there are concentrations of particular pesticides and so on.
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