Pasta, pasta, pasta. It’s the symbol of eating Italian and the undisputed Queen on Italian tables. But what are spaghetti, penne, fusilli “& Company” translated into numbers? 3.3 million tons per year produced in Italy by 139 pasta makers for a total of 4.3 billion euros. This is the picture “sketched” by Riccardo Felicetti, famous pasta maker and President of UNIPI, the union of Italian pasta makers. There are 200 different pasta shapes. Pasta corta (short pasta) is the most popular and represents 70% of production. How much pasta do Italians eat? Out of the 91% that eat dried pasta, in Sicily they eat 40 kilos per person a year, while in Trentino Alto Adige only 20 kilos.
Source: Identità di Pasta (pasta identity)
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