In a highly complex international economic and political environment, and with Italian wine exports losing momentum (only +2% in value and -0.8% in volume in the first four months of 2023 compared to 2022, according to Istat data analysed by WineNews), focusing on promotion to recover before the end of the year, a critical period for the sector’s budgets, becomes even more important. And Italian producers will be able to do it again thanks to one of their most important allies, Vinitaly, which is back “on the road” thanks to Veronafiere’s action, with a busy international exhibition calendar between the second half of 2023 and the beginning of 2024, between North America, Europe, and the Far East, but also Brazil and the Balkans, and which will be supported by the recruitment of “top buyers” in the target markets.
To strengthen the flag brand of Italian wine around the world, an intensive programme of trade fair events, Vinitaly previews, and roadshows will be held, with the goal of intercepting operators and the foreign press, as well as building loyalty with top foreign buyers in 15 countries selected key products that represent, in value, 78% of total Italian wine export: ranging from historic outlet markets such as the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland, which account for more than half of Italian exports, to emerging markets with high growth rates such as Canada, France, Belgium, Japan, Sweden, and Austria, which have increased by more than 40% in the last five years, to emerging demands such as Brazil, China, Serbia, South Korea, and Denmark. And, precisely from the latter, the international calendar of Veronafiere kicks off, which, after the summer break, will fly first to China with the now customary “Vinitaly China Roadshow” (Beijing, Changsha and Hangzhou, from 11 to 15 September) and then in Brazil, in Bento Gonçalves for “Wine South America” (September 12-14), edition n. 4 of the reference event for the Brazilian and South American markets, organized by the subsidiary Veronafiere do Brasil. Still on the trade show front, the collaboration with Iwe - International Wine Expo, the initiative organised by the Italian Expo in partnership with the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Chicago and dedicated to wine and food professionals, makes its Midwest debut in Chicago on the 22nd and 23rd of October. Then, from November 16 to 19, it will be the turn of “Wine Vision” by Open Balkan in Belgrade, Serbia, where Vinitaly will be represented by a group of 50 Italian producers.
On the other hand, the autumn relay of the Vinitaly Previews is brought forward from October (to December), the promotional action of “buyer hunting” for Vinitaly 2021, carried out in collaboration with the ICE Agency and with the Italian System (Embassies, Consulates and Chambers of Commerce) abroad: in the viewfinder of the format that, in 2022, brought a record number of a thousand selected foreign “super-buyers” to Verona, the countries identified as priorities by Vinitaly exhibitors and market surveys: Germany, United Kingdom, South Korea and Japan, but also Denmark, Sweden, France, Belgium, Austria and Switzerland. Finally, there are plans for 2024, which include two Vinitaly preview stops in the United States in the first quarter, with the American roadshow continuing in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and San Francisco between June and July. The spring events complete the circle, with Veronafiere appearing in China and Brazil in May for Wine to Asia (Shenzhen) and “I Love Italian Wine” (San Paolo and Rio de Janeiro).
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