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Italian wine exports according to UIV: volumes up + 1.1%, inflation influences values

According to the UIV Observatory that processed ISTAT data, sparkling wines are strong, at + 15%, compared to -1% for still wines
The UIV evaluation Italian wine shipments in the first quarter of 2022

According to the Unione Italiana Vini - UIV, Italian wine exports showed positive and negative aspects. Italian wine exports, however, closed the first quarter of 2022 on a positive note, as volumes were up +1.1% (653 million liters) and the trend in value at 2.3 billion euros (+ 12.6%, though influenced by growing inflation). According to the Observatory of the Unione Italiana Vini (UIV), which processed data that ISTAT released recently, the sparkling wine typology is still a very strong driving force. Volumes abroad increased about 15% over the period, compared to a 1% drop in bottled still and sparkling wines.
“As Unione Italiana Vini (Uiv) had predicted”, Paolo Castelletti, the general secretary, explained, “in the month of April, orders for Made in Italy wine began to experience the first slowdown. We expect an even more significant turnaround over the next few months, and this will definitely not help a sector that is already undergoing increases in energy, transportation and raw material costs, which can impact the product, on average, 30%. We must also add to these, the increase of wine in stock, at the end of June (+ 3.8% compared to the same period in 2021), especially Geographical Indication wines (+ 7.6%), which is causing downward speculations on prices”.
According to the calculations of the Unione Italiana Vini (UIV) Observatory, the month of April marked the first decrease in orders this year, in value (-1%) and, above all, in volume (-11%), and minus signs for sparkling wines (-4%), bottled wines (-13%) and bulk (-9%). As far as destinations are concerned, over the four-month period, the gap between bubbles and still and sparkling bottled wines has widened even more. The former are showing growth in volume on all the main markets (+ 6% in the USA, + ​​33% in the UK, + 12% in Germany), while the latter are having difficulties in the USA and Germany (respectively, at -3% and -6%) but are in excellent health in Canada (+ 15%) and the United Kingdom (+ 7%).

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