“It is true that if we are here we are guilty, but this does not mean that we are not human like everyone else. Thanks to this agricultural experience we can become honest workers and we may even be able to reintegrate ourselves into society”: these are the words of an inmate at the San Pio X prison in Vicenza, and it best explains the significance of the convention organized by INEA “Agriculture behind the walls” that was held recently in Rome as part of the project “From the plow to the pumpkin” to promote the culture of farming in the prison system.
The three main goals behind this initiative: to offer a professional qualification to inmates, to increase the possibility of social and work reintegration, to improve living conditions and health during imprisonment.
“Among the different work activities” – explained Anna Berton of Cipat Veneto (Professional and Technical Assistance Center) – “agriculture has a bonus: the contact with and constant care of something living helps to constantly improve oneself and feel useful”.
The agricultural experiences offered in prisons are widespread throughout Italy and include almost all of the country’s regions. Among the most significant projects is that of the island prison of Gorgona where inmates care for animals using homeopathic medicine, learning first hand the responsibility needed to care for other living creatures.
Obviously, the project has had some problems, the lack of earnings being the principle one.
“Sales” – explained Francesca Giarè of INEA – “are usually internal and the products are sold at an almost symbolic price”. There is also the constant scarcity of personnel, very rapid turnover, and, above all, the difficulty of reinsertion into the work world, notwithstanding the state incentives given to those companies that do hire ex-convicts.
There is still a lot of work to be done but the words of an ex-convict turned professional agronomist leave little doubt that it’s well worth it: “Seeing something grow while one is not free is priceless. Agriculture helps one feel alive and make peace with oneself”.
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