What are the most used wine words on twitter? “In addition to the keyword, wine, of course, the most often used words are quality, history, earth, day, which are terms related to the daily life of wineries, vineyards or territory. It is still a very traditional language”, Paolo Errico, head of "Maxfone" (www.maxfone.it), leader in behavioral analysis on social media, working in the wine world with names like Istituto Grandi Marchi, Consorzio Vino Chianti, Castello Banfi, Antinori, Masi, Zenato, Allegrini, Tommasi and Zonin, told WineNews.
“Our goal”, explained Errico, “was to analyze what is published on the net about the wine universe and to find out if the wine language used on Twitter is still linked to common words that everyone understands or whether new forms of language are coming up”. The analysis, conducted on more than one million tweets and 583.000 unique users, in the months of February, March and April 2015, found the top wine hash tag were besides #vino, also # vinitaly2015, demonstrating that not only a hash tag on a territory or on a topic works, but also on an event, such as Vinitaly.
“Then we set up”, continued Errico, “three labels (labels or macro content), chosen on the basis of trends in the wine world in recent years: added value of stories and experience that revolve around a winery; territory and traditions related to the vineyard, and daily life linked to wine, in the broadest sense”. For the first label, "emotions", linked to the emotional sphere, the most used words were: quality (31.3%), history (17.1%) and excellence (11.5%).
The most used words for the second label "location", were: land (43.5%), vineyards (23.9%) and vineyard (23.5%) and for the third label, “life”, the most used words were: day (62.2%), daily (21.8%) and memories (10.8%).
“Cross referencing these data”, explained Errico, “it is clear that wine language on the net is still too tied to a traditional story. Language cannot be built solely on issues such as memories, family history or simply daily life. For instance, in the "life" label, there is no reference at all to seasonality. And even in the "location" label the words are basic and classic.
While companies are aware that social media is a fundamental tool, there is still much to do especially on storytelling. It should abandon traditional terminology and use newer terms with more "appeal" that reaches and engages new users, especially young people. Perhaps anecdotes, which would attract young people’s interest and they would take part in the narrative, because they are the ones who use social channels all the time.
The Maxfone analysis on "wine words" in the world highlights another interesting fact.
The most tweeted language on twitter is not English that took second place with 67.512 members, but Spanish (476.703). Italian came in third (22.859). It seems clear, then, that besides "spicing up" the wine world on the web, wineries and not only will speak more and more to the Hispanic world.
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