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Minister Centinaio: “The CMO Vino Promotion decree and Wine Committee nominations are priorities”

The new Minister of Agriculture, awaiting his assignment to tourism, told WineNews: “agriculture and tourism will walk together hand in hand”
The new Minister of Agriculture Gian Marco Centinaio

“Many open files have been left on my table by those who preceded me. Among these, the decree Promoting CMO Wine and the nomination of the Wine Committee have priority, because the wine sector is one of the most important for Italian agriculture”, the new Minister of Agricultural Policies, Gian Marco Centinaio, told WineNews. “Duties for the protection of Made in Italy products are not in our plans”, he added, “because we do not believe that this kind of measure is useful for protecting our products, as we cannot close ourselves in”. His nomination as Minister of Tourism is a matter of a few hours away. “Tourism and food and wine promotion will walk together hand in hand”.

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