Skipping meals and eating rich foods ruins summer holidays and is detrimental to one’s psychophysical well being. Instead, eating cold but nutritious meals in a colorful, appealing setting all together at the family dinner table combats summer binge eating. Six out of 10 experts recommend the “seashore diet”. These are the results of a study conducted for by Mauri Lab Observatory / International workshop on new trends and lifestyles in the home kitchen and in food preparation. Nicoletta Merlo was chosen (out of 100 nutritionists, dietitians and psychologists) to create the study to understand how dietary habits change during the summer and how they affect our mental well-being.
What are wrong summer eating habits? Summer heat, of course, forces you to eat less, say 61% of the experts. However, many people exaggerate by skipping meals altogether (53%) and ignoring nutritious foods considering them too “heavy” (59%). Disorderly and improper eating habits, however, bring on the risk of psychophysical problems such as drop in blood pressure (45%), fatigue and tiredness (67%), mood swings (55%) and even an unexpected weight gain (41%). So, the plus side is cold meals (73%), nutritious and refreshing foods presented in colorful and appealing settings (57%) and eating comfortably seated at table with family or friends (69%).
Focus - The study: “summer and food, improving the relationship. Diet influences summer holidays and psycho-physical well being. If you eat well, you have more energy and more fun”
What are the food habits of Italians on vacation? Instinct leads many people to exaggerate the consumption of certain foods, eating only “delectable” and avoiding nutritious food (71%). Unfortunately, in summer it is a habit to skip meals (53%) and eat at irregular meal times (47%) completely upsetting the daily caloric intake when we should, instead, “always balance food intake with energy expenditure,” says Professor Michele Carruba, University of Milan. And it is certainly pleasant to drink cold and very sweet drinks, but they cannot and should not replace other basic foods for nutrition, wrongly considered too heavy or indigestible (73%) and in particular eliminate the consumption of water (87%). All we need to do is follow nature’s suggestions,” continued Carruba, “which offers a wide variety of fruits and vegetables to ensure a proper intake of minerals”.
Poor eating habits bring on the risk of psychophysical problems. The classic and most frequent signs are drop in blood pressure, according to 45% of experts, which may be followed by an unexpected weight gain (% 41). In addition to body fitness, summer fun is put at risk by unhealthy eating habits that can lead, according to Carruba, to “nausea and stomach disorders”. Many people always feel weak, tired and fatigued (67%), and blame their physical decline on the high temperatures. According to the experts, however, this is a simplistic and incorrect analysis: heat is certainly an influence (73%) but just as much as food consumed (75%), the “fuel” needed to fully enjoy summer days and nights. Plus, the long-awaited and yearned for summer holidays could be adversely affected by mood swings (67%), which are inexplicable for many people. Experts have finally explained the mystery: not eating well makes a person more irritable, less patient and over sensitive.
“Most people on vacation mistakenly try to reduce energy expenditure to zero and they consequently eat irregularly,” explains the psychologist Anzil Robertini, “but the kitchen, instead, can help to enjoy the summer more serenely. Parents can create a fun and happy atmosphere together with their children while couples can bring back the feeling of affection”. 73% of experts say to rely on cold meals: refreshing salads to which you can add foods like cheese. Of course, fruit must always be on the summer table (67%), along with fish (54%), which are both nutritious and light. Only 6% of experts said that the presentation and the color of the food did not influence people’s choices, but it is the content that counts. Image is also important, so presenting creative summertime compositions whets the appetite (77%) and conveys the sense of lightness (63%). Color plays a much larger and more important part in summer meals than in the winter. Always put the food with the most vivid colors in plain view (57%) and also offer foods with light colors that stimulate the appetite (53%). The shape of food also helps (59%): foods that are more compact give a feeling of something to munch on rather than just something to eat. Finally, during the summer it is essential to get closer to nature by touching food with your hands (48%) and eating food at the table with family and friends is comforting and relaxing (69%).
The 10 step “seashore diet”
1. The “fantastic” 5 meals a day
It is fundamental for physical well-being as well as daily caloric needs to eat 5 meals a day. Start with a big, hearty breakfast and end with a wholesome dinner to guarantee the right balance between food and expenditure of energy.
2. A little movement!
20 or 30 minutes a day of light walking is enough to feel better. There’s no need to exert extra effort or do exhausting physical exercises, especially in the hottest hours of the day.
3. H2O
The basic rule, all year round, is to drink at least 1 and half liters of water a day. In summer it is even easier and more necessary because of the high temps and the risk of dehydration. Our body needs to replenish liquids lost by sweating. Fizzy, sugary and energy drinks together with alcohol and ice water are banned.
4. A fruit vendor close by
To avoid mistakes in the summer, just follow the colors of nature. The palate needs different tastes and freshness to appease hunger in the right way. We need to cook foods like tomatoes and pesto, fruits and vegetables, all in lightweight style.
5. Happy cheese
Another friend of the “seashore diet” is cheese. It is rich in protein and vitamins and is a very effective and easily digestible body “re-charger”. 70/120 grams of dairy products per day meets the daily requirement of calcium that adult requires.
6. No fried foods
Although this is the option most Italians choose in the summer, fried food is a really bad friend for the body. Whether it is fish or vegetables or sweets, fried food is banned because it overloads the body with fat and creates digestive problems. It’s better to replace it with a lightweight and easy cold dish, equally good and satisfying.
7. Always on time
Keeping the same eating times during the summer is crucial for the body, which is not accustomed to improvised meals and snacks. Nervous hunger, greed or boredom are the first signs of improper eating habits, like when you feel the need to eat unhealthy, high calorie treats. Establishing and keeping to a fixed schedule for the 5 meals a day helps keep your metabolism regular.
8. A “sin” a day keeps hunger away!
A little gluttony is ok. Without exceeding or taking advantage, a culinary whim can satisfy your body and mind and give you a moment of well being: whether it be a sweet, a glass of wine or a plate of pasta, small summer distractions are allowed.
9. “Color” appeal
Your eyes need to be stimulated, too. Offering colorful dishes and creating playful compositions, in line with the holiday atmosphere, whets the desire to eat and conveys a sense of lightness. Putting food with vivid colors on the table and offering light colored foods also stimulates the appetite.
10. The kitchen is a wellness center
Preparing meals or snacks, alone or together, should be a pleasure for the body and the mind. Giving special attention and importance to food when cooking brings prosperity and the kitchen becomes a wellness center. Especially in summer, when we have much more time, we should prepare special dishes that require more time to make. Special dishes, yes, but lightweight.
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