"The food that you see on TV is 10-15% of the total, and it is more like food pornography”. These are the words of Carlo Petrini, founder of Slow Food, from "State of the Net" in Trieste. "In people’s imaginations”, says Petrini “cooking is what you can watch on any TV station at any time or top chefs and celebrities who grant stars, hats, evaluations to restaurants. The latest in the series is "Masterchef", which is also changing the social aspects of the country. When I was a child, and asked what I wanted to do when I grew up, I said I wanted to drive a train; now 22% of the children want to be a chef. But food is a complex science. True power is governing people’s stomachs, and food”, he concluded, “is closer to political economy”.
The Slow Food founder’s statements touched on subjects of a "higher" level than the dialectic of food and television: "Our raison d'etre is to change a global food system that is criminal, is destroying the planet and is not at the service of brotherhood”.
Inspired by the three principles of the French Revolution, Petrini said, "no one focuses on brotherhood. The concept of brotherhood has no physical or political limits. On the one hand there are people with a full belly, and on the other the rest of the world that cannot accept the rules of the Western world. We have laid down the cards with Slow Food and Terra Madre. We are all alive because we eat, therefore eating is a universal right, but if in order to produce this food production and consumption methods destroy ecosystems and the value of food, because they become ‘merchandise’”, concluded Petrini, “as worldwide movements arise and are developed on a volatile level, and are indicative of change”.
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