Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Prosecco Docg, Frascati Superiore and Moscato d’Asti for the dinner between Putin and Conte

According to WineNews, BiancaVigna, Valle Vermiglia and Mongioa are the selected wines, accompanied by fish dishes
Il brindisi tra il presidente russo Putin ed il premier italiano Conte

Overture with Conegliano Valdobbiadene Brut Nature Rive di Ogliano 2017 di BiancaVigna, then in the Castelli Romani area with Frascati Superiore 2018 Eremo Tuscolano di Valle Vermiglia, sweet closing in Piedmont area with Moscato d’Asti Belb 2018 di Mongioia. Here are Winenews’s informations about wines served to Vladimir Putin, president of Russian Federation, during the institutional dinner with the Italian Premier Giuseppe Conte, yesterday at Villa Madama, with fish dishes, as “shellfish and caught fish with chopped green apple and peach”, “mezzemaniche with moscardini, shrimpes and rockfish”, “bass with citruses and field green flan”, “wild strawberry with vanilla ice cream”. Territory , colour, perfume and taste are protagonists of the gastronomic part of diplomacy, where the dining table is often the informal place where aggreement and arrangement are made . Agri-food made in Italy may benefits from it, since it already paid a duty of a billion euros in 5 years for the embargo imposed by Russia as answer to sanctions imposed by EU for the Ukrainian question. Russia is certainly an interesting market Italian wine, as Pierpaolo Celeste, the director of ICE in Moscow ,said to WineNews, “220.000 bottles of Italian wine come into Russia every day, 51.000 of which are sparkling wine, that cover 65% of our exports: two imported bottles out of three are Italian. For the bottled still wine the situation goes down to 25%, and if we are second after Spain talking about volume, we don’t have rivals talking about average price”.

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