The president of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, remains convinced of his passion for Brunello di Montalcino and will continue to drink it regardless of the so called wine adulteration scandal. This was his reaction that he pronounced recently during a visit with president of Confagricoltura, Federico Vecchioni, in regards to claims that some winemakers may have been adulterating one of Italy’s top wines.
President Vecchioni noted that this story was emblematic of how a leading “Made in Italy” product, which provides work for tens of thousands of people, could be totally overexposed by misleading communications.
Confagricoltura president, Federico Vecchioni, accompanied by general manager Vito Bianco, met the top official of the Italian government to explain the values that the food sector holds for the Italian economy and how it can act as a central propeller, if supported, in combating inflation.
The president of the agricultural entrepreneur association also pointed out how the growing role of Italian agriculture in the global economy is the fruit of widespread and rigorous tutelage and incessant qualification processes. Vecchioni then made an appeal to the Head of State to remember, “the work of tens of thousands of serious entrepreneurs who have been threatened by generalized and distorted media aggressions: in particular, as in the case of Brunello di Montalcino, the absolutely overexposed misleading communications are emblematic of the need to bring the media back to tones of professional sobriety”.
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