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Rumors: Benetton Investimenti 21 fund will be Zonin1821’s new minority shareholder

In a few days, the Benetton fund, via a dedicated capital increase, will sign and become part of the wine group
The Zonin brothers Domenico, Francesco and Michele at the helm of Zonin1821

It seems that the rumors over the past few weeks were right about investment interests from Italy, USA and China, and one of the top Italian wine groups, Zonin 1821, will be closing a deal and opening its capital. The latest rumors have it that 21 Investimenti will be partnering as a minority shareholder with a dedicated capital increase (around 60 million euros for 40% of the new shareholder structure). The fund is headed by Alessandro Benetton (who, in the past, also invested in Farnese Wines, ed.), while there is also talk of another “vehicle“ linked to some other members of the same Benetton family. The deal is set to be signed within the next few days. In any case, it will be a financial partnership, not including operational roles, and control of the group will remain in the hands of Domenico Zonin, president, and his brothers Francesco and Michele Zonin, vice presidents, who are at the helm of the company together with Massimo Tuzzi. This will be an important partnership for the further development of one of the most important wine companies, which, over the last 10 years, under the management of the brothers Domenico, Francesco and Michele Zonin, has experienced a growth in turnover going from 70 to 201 million euros, while the 2017 budget closed at 4.2% increase in production value compared to 193 million euros in 2016.

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