One more formality was needed and now it has been filled: the Sicilian Saverio Romano (PID), a member of the “responsible group” is the new Italian Minister of Agriculture, and replaces Giancarlo Galan, who goes to Culture, replacing Sandro Bondi. Romano was sworn in today at the Quirinale (Presidential Palace) by President Giorgio Napolitano. He is the third person to take office at the Ministry in Via XX Settembre in less than two years, after Luca Zaia and Giancarlo Galan. Galan, who had replaced Zaia, had taken office in the Ministry of Agricultural Policies on April 16, 2010.
Focus - Francesco Saverio Romano
He was born in Palermo on December 24, 1964. He received his degree in Law in 1988 presenting the thesis entitled “Some thoughts on the preliminary draft of the new Code of Criminal Procedure”. He is married to Stefania and father of Antonio, Giorgio and Chiara. He began his political career at a very young age at the University of Palermo and held the position of Director of the Opera Universitaria as student representative, from 1985 to 1987. He has always been a Christian Democrat in heart and mind and in 1987 he was elected as delegate of the Youth Movement of the Christian Democrats. In 1990 he was elected to the Council of the Province of Palermo and from 1993 to 1994 held the office of Councilor of Roads and Traffic. In 1997 he was appointed President of IRCAC, the most important financial institution in Sicily. He held this position until 2001 when he was elected for the first time to the Chamber of Deputies in the XIV legislature, pursuant to an application of the majority party in Bagheria. During his term in parliament, he was a member of the Justice, Budget, Finance, Culture, Transport and Supervision of Deposits and Loans Fund Commissions. In the third Berlusconi government he has held the position of Under Secretary of State for Labor. Confirmed in the House of the XV legislature under a nomination list of the UDC (Union of the Center) division in Sicily 1, he is currently secretary of the Parliamentary Delegation to the Assembly of the Council of Europe and member of the Judiciary Committee and the Delegation at the Parliamentary Assembly of Western Europe. In July 2006 the UDC party elected him Regional Secretary. On March 4, 2007, by acclamation, the Regional Congress nominated him Secretary of the UDC in Sicily. In April 2008 he was re-elected in Parliament, where he currently holds the post of member of the Finance Committee. He is the party national organizational Responsible. He was head of the list of the UDC party in the 2009 elections for the division in Sicily and Sardinia. On September 22, 2010 he resigned from the post of Regional Secretary of the UDC in Sicily and from all his positions within the party, to found, on September 28th of that year, the movimento dei Popolari per l’Italia di domani (Popular Movement for Italy tomorrow).
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