Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

The best vineyards in Italy according to the Bigot Index: 70 with a score above 90/100

The vineyard “Inferno - Nebbiolo Cartello” by Aldo Rainoldi in Valtellina is at the top. Ferruccio Sgubin, Collio’s most award-winning company
The agronomist Giovanni Bigot, creator of the Bigot Index

Judging not the wines, but the vineyards and their “quality”, taking into account parameters that affect a specific characteristic of the wine, such as production, foliage, the relationship between leaves and production, grape health, bunch type, water stress, vigor, biodiversity and microorganisms, and vineyard age. This is how the Bigot Index functions, developed after 20 years of research, by the Friulian agronomist Giovanni Bigot and his Perleuve team, which, this year, awarded 70 vineyards with a score above 90/100, almost double the list 2021, among 1,215 considered, 481 more than last year.
The highest score, 94/100, was obtained from the Aldo Rainoldi company’s “Inferno - Nebbiolo Cartello” vineyard in Valtellina, thanks to the care of the foliage in balance with production, absolute health, and careful management of the soil also towards biodiversity. 25 companies register vineyards with scores greater than 90 cents. The most awarded among these is Ferruccio Sgubin in the Collio, which has six vineyards with high-quality potential.
Despite the fact that the 2022 vintage recorded average temperatures above 35 °C for extended periods of time (a figure that has increased in Italy by +75% compared to the average of the last ten years, causing serious water deficit problems in some areas of the peninsula), the Index, explains a note, has calculated a particularly significant healthiness of the vineyards, determining high-quality potentials in various known and less known areas of Italy. “The results obtained are the result of the commitment and methods implemented by the winemakers - comments Giovanni Bigot - man, at the center of the vineyard, has the power to make the right decisions even when the climate is changing and the Bigot Index, used throughout the year, is an effective guide tool for identifying the goal and following the best route to reach it. Only by monitoring the available data and through specific agronomic choices is it possible to obtain very high-quality vineyards and wines. Wine tastings a few months after harvest confirm the results in the preview”.

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