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The Cantine Leonardo celebrate the side of wine lover and winemaker of the genius Leonardo Da Vinci

On April 11, in Vinci, the inauguration of the new “Leonardo Museum and the Renaissance of Wine”, with wine cellar, wines and the Leonardo Method
Cantine Leonardo celebrates Leonardo Da Vinci’s oenological side

This year marks a special anniversary: in 2019 it is exactly 500 years since the death of Leonardo Da Vinci, the Italian genius who, like no other, has contributed to science, art, and culture. And to wine: yes, because, as a true multifaceted character, he also had a passion for Bacchus’ juice. He was not limited to being what we would call today “wine lover”, but he was a real “winemaker”: in Vinci, a Tuscan town that gave birth to the genius of the Renaissance, April 11 will be a day dedicated to unveil this lesser-known side of the scientist, organized by Leonardo Da Vinci Spa.
There will be the inauguration of the new “Leonardo Museum and the Renaissance of Wine”, complete with a wine cellar with wines, and the Leonardo Method. The Leonardo Da Vinci Spa, together with a group of scholars and oenologists, has investigated and recovered the contribution of the Genius to the world of wine. Leonardo, in fact, was a forerunner and among his many studies, he had also dedicated himself to the art of making good wine: he loved it because it was the fruit of nature, a product of the land, a symbol of the perfect union between functionality and beauty, which he celebrates in many of his writings and drawings.

This deep bond with nature accompanies him on his many trips, starting with the one to Milan, where he realizes his dream of cultivating a vineyard, thanks to the donation of Ludovico il Moro. The authentic relationship with wine also emerges from his stay in Romagna, at the court of Cesare Borgia: this is testified by the many sketches produced, first of all, the famous drawing of a bunch of grapes hanging, followed by the representation of the first barrique, his intuition for the vinification.
As proof that he was also a real producer, a letter sent in 1515 to the farmer of his farm in Fiesole, where Leonardo gives precise technical indications to obtain a wine without defects, simply and ingeniously good. This writing is nothing more than a real work of viticulture, in his words: “Conciosiacosache si voi et altri faciesti senno di tali ragioni, berremmo vino excellente”.
All these studies and experiences in the world of wine led Leonardo Da Vinci to develop processing techniques, and reflections on the entire production of wine, which have given rise today to the “Leonardo Method”: secret, is exclusive of the Leonardo Cellars. The Method, however, is more effective than ever, since the company continues to use it today in the production of its wines, improving and adapting it to the times. “His pioneering intuitions - explains Leonardo Da Vinci Spa - still exist thanks to modern technology: even in wine, Leonardo was brilliant”.

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