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The image of Italy in the world grows thanks to food and wine: Nando Pagnoncelli’s word

The pollster at WineNews: Italian Sounding is the price to pay, the attention to sustainability is what will make people love Italy the most
The pollster Nando Pagnoncelli

If we consider the food and wine “variable”, Italy has an enviable share in the world: “it is seen very well, as a country that has managed to enhance this aspect that represents a distinctive feature of its image. According to a very extensive research that we conducted in 18 countries to try to understand what values were attributed to Italy, what our strengths and weaknesses were, food and wine was absolutely one of the leading sectors of our country, and that it not only qualifies our economic activity, but it represents a factor of attraction for tourism. And this impressed me a lot because if, as I imagined, the first factor is the cultural-artistic heritage and the beauty of our country, it is very interesting to see how immediately behind it there is the food and wine. We are, that is, a beautiful country, in which people live well, thanks to these characteristics”. This is the analysis to WineNews by Nando Pagnoncelli, the most famous Italian pollster, very popular on TV, a point of reference with his unfailing and very popular political surveys on La7 with Dimartedì. Italian food and wine in the world is a great success, but according to the president of Ipsos Italia, there is a price to pay and “a risk called Italian Sounding, a very serious threat due to the fact that Italian food and wine production is so appreciated that many swindlers use names that evoke Italian products”.
An image that is not fixed, but dynamic because it is able to grow even more thanks to the fact that our country is attentive if it focuses its interest on the hottest issues of the moment. “In recent years Italy has shown a very significant growth of sensitivity concerning sustainability issues, which is mainly focused on environmental issues, but - explains the pollster - there is also a growing attention - and we can see this from the hundreds of market researches we carry out on food products - to the naturalness of the products, and the fact that, unlike in the past, we read more, for example, labels”. Studies and market research, but also qualitative research, from which it emerges that "perhaps we do not have great expertise in the food sector, but there is greater interest in these aspects because it is believed that this is a time when food and environmental sensitivity go hand in hand". The reasons “are to be found on the one hand in the different lifestyle and in the quality of individual and family life, on the other - he concludes - because there is more attention to what may be the fate of the planet, and the conditions in which we will leave it to future generations”. And this attention also passes from the table.

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